How to Light a Planted Aquarium: The Right Way to Go About It

For a planted aquarium, lighting is one of the most critical factors. Incorrect lighting can lead to the death of plants or the disease of fish. What lighting do I need for a planted aquarium? …

light in three aquariums

For a planted aquarium, lighting is one of the most critical factors. Incorrect lighting can lead to the death of plants or the disease of fish. What lighting do I need for a planted aquarium?

Two types of lighting for a planted aquarium are fluorescent and LED. Fluorescent lighting is cheaper and easier to find but does not last as long as LED lighting. LED lighting is more expensive but lasts longer and is more energy-efficient.

How much light is needed?

The amount of light you need depends on the type of plants you have. Plants in low light require about 2-3 watts of light per gallon of water. Medium-light plants require about 3-5 watts of light per gallon of water. High light plants need about 5-10 watts of light per gallon of water.

The best way to figure out how much sunlight your plants need is to talk to a local aquarium store or look online for forums about planted aquariums.

What color should the light be?

multi colored aquarium with leds

You also need to consider the color of the light. Plants need different colors of light for various purposes. Blue light helps them grow tall and green, while red light helps them produce flowers and fruits.

You can buy lamps with different light colors, or you can purchase separate lamps for each color.

Which color light is best for a planted aquarium?

The best light for a planted aquarium is full-spectrum light. This will give your plants the different light colors they need for various purposes.

Do I need special lights for a planted aquarium?

Most people use a combination of regular fluorescent aquarium lights and plant-specific fluorescent lights. The traditional aquarium lights help show off the fish and other inhabitants, while the plant-specific lights help promote plant growth.

Lighting guide for planted aquariums

aquarium with white led lights

Planted aquariums are becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason — they can be stunning. If you’re thinking of starting a planted aquarium, you should know a few things first.

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of setting up a planted aquarium and talk about some of the most important factors to consider.


The lighting is one of the most important things to consider when setting up a planted aquarium. Plants need light to photosynthesize, and without enough light, they will not be able to grow.

Two main types of lighting can be used for planted aquariums:

  1. Fluorescent lighting is less expensive and easier to find, but it is not as efficient as LED lighting;
  2. LED lighting is more costly, but it is much more efficient and will give your plants the light they need to grow. To use fluorescent lighting, you must purchase a bulb that emits full-spectrum light. This type of light is necessary for plant growth. You have a few options if you decide to use LED lighting. You can purchase an all-in-one LED fixture with everything you need or buy different bulbs and a spout to put them in.

There are a few things to remember when choosing an LED light:

  • Make sure that the light is full-spectrum;
  • Pay attention to the Kelvin rating. The higher the Kelvin rating, the more blue light the bulb emits. Blue light is necessary for plant growth so you will want a ray of sunshine with a high Kelvin rating;
  • Make sure that the light has a high output;
  • The output is measured in lumens, and you will want a ray of sunshine with at least 4,000 lumens.

trendy small aquarium in the room


Another critical factor to consider when setting up a planted aquarium is fertilizer. Plants need nutrients to grow, and they will be unable to get all the nutrients they need from the water alone. There are two main types of fertilizer that can be used for planted aquariums: liquid and tablet.

Liquid fertilizer is easier to use, but it can be more expensive. Tablet fertilizer is less costly but can be more challenging to use. You must purchase a fertilizer injector if you decide to use liquid fertilizer.

This device attaches to your aquarium filter and automatically injects the fertilizer into the water. If you choose to use tablet fertilizer, you will need to place the tablets in the gravel at the bottom of the aquarium. As the water passes over the pills, the fertilizer will dissolve and be available for the plants.


Various plants can be used in planted aquariums. Some of the most popular plants include Anubis, java ferns, and water wisteria.

When choosing plants for your aquarium, it is vital to consider their size and the amount of light it receives. Some plants require more light than others, and if your aquarium does not receive it.

How long do I need to keep LED aquarium lights on for a planted tank?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the type of plants you are growing, the intensity of the light, and the time of year.

In general, however, most aquarium plants will do best if they receive at least 8-10 hours of light per day.

blue led light aquarium

Is LED light enough for aquarium plants?

Yes, LED lighting is good enough for aquarium plants. These lights are becoming increasingly popular for plant growth, as they are very efficient and provide the right light spectrum for plant growth.

However, not all aquarium plants will do well under LED lights, so it is vital to research the plants you plan to grow before choosing your lighting.

What are the colors of light for plants?

LED lamps are becoming increasingly popular for aquariums because they are low-power and can emit light in specific colors.

But when buying a particular color LED for an aquarium, you may be wondering, “Is the blue LED light good for aquarium plants?” Therefore, it is worth talking more about each of these colors of light:

  • Blue light is ideal for stimulating photosynthesis.
  • Red light is better for flowering and fruiting.
  • Green light is suitable for healthy growth.

light in three aquariums


Can LED bulbs be used on a planted aquarium?

Yes, LED bulbs can be used to illuminate planted aquariums. However, not all LED bulbs are suitable for this purpose. It is vital to choose a bulb that emits full-spectrum light.

Are LEDs safe for aquarium plants?

Yes, LEDs are safe for aquarium plants. However, they are not suitable for all plants. Some plants require more light than others, and if the LEDs do not provide enough light, they may not grow properly.

What are the best LED lights for a freshwater aquarium?

The best LED lights for a freshwater aquarium depend on the time of year and the type of plants you have. It would help if you chose a lamp with a high Kelvin rating, which will help promote plant growth.

How do I use an LED light for my aquarium plants?

You can use a LED light for your aquarium plants by placing it inside the tank on a timer. Ensure that the LED bulb emits full-spectrum light and that you provide enough light during the day.

How do I know if my aquarium plants are growing well?

Looking at the leaves, you can tell if your aquarium plants are growing well. If the leaves are a healthy green colour and the stems are straight, this indicates that the plants are growing well.

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Planted aquariums are a beautiful and easy way to keep your fish and plants healthy and happy. When setting up a planted aquarium, important to remember a few key points:

  1. Lighting is one of the most critical factors.
  2. You need to choose the right type of light for your plants.
  3. Fertilizer is necessary for plant growth.
  4. Plants need different amounts of light depending on their type.

By following these tips, you will be able to create a stunning aquarium that is full of life!


  • Balancing Light and CO2 in the Nature Aquarium (TFH Magazine):
  • Lighting Requirements for Plants in Community Aquariums (The Spruce Pets):

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