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How to Care for an Ivory Snail in Your Aquarium: Fish, Decorations, and Equipment Needed

The ivory snail is a stunningly beautiful addition to any aquarium. With its unique ivory-colored shell, this species of freshwater snail is sure to captivate any aquarist. Not only are these snails aesthetically pleasing, but …

The ivory snail is a stunningly beautiful addition to any aquarium. With its unique ivory-colored shell, this species of freshwater snail is sure to captivate any aquarist. Not only are these snails aesthetically pleasing, but they are also beneficial for the tank’s ecosystem. Ivory snails help clean the aquarium of algae and decaying plant matter, providing a valuable cleaning service. With the addition of this snail, you can enjoy the beauty of the ivory shell while also ensuring the health of your aquarium environment.

Background Information

Background Information
The ivory mystery snail is a species of freshwater snail native to the United States. It is a popular choice for aquariums due to its unique coloration and hardiness. It is also known as the golden mystery snail, ivory apple snail, and ivory trumpet snail. The ivory mystery snail is one of the few snails that produces eggs without the need for a mate.

Overview of Ivory Snails

The ivory mystery snail is a small, peaceful snail that is easy to care for. It is usually found in freshwater tanks, although it can survive in brackish water. The ivory mystery snail has an elongated, conical shell that can reach up to two inches in length. Its shell is usually yellow or white in color, but can also be mottled with brown or black. The ivory mystery snail is a nocturnal species, meaning it is most active at night.

Characteristics of Ivory Mystery Snails

Ivory mystery snails are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plant and animal matter. They are scavengers, and will consume dead plant material, algae, and uneaten food. They can also be fed small amounts of brine shrimp, bloodworms, and other commercial foods. They are extremely hardy and can tolerate a wide range of water parameters, making them ideal for novice aquarists. They are also highly reproductive, and can quickly overpopulate a tank if left unchecked.

Benefits of Adding Ivory Snails to Your Aquarium

Benefits Of Adding Ivory Snails To Your Aquarium

Beauty: Ivory snails are aesthetically pleasing and look great in any aquarium. With a unique, ivory-colored shell and a beautiful body, this snail is a great addition to any tank.

Cleaning: Ivory snails are excellent cleaners. They are scavengers and will help to keep your aquarium clean by eating any leftover food, detritus, and algae in the tank.

Ecosystem: Ivory snails are a vital part of any aquarium ecosystem. They are important for keeping the water clean and healthy, and they provide food for other creatures in the tank.

Compatibility: Ivory snails are peaceful and easy to care for, making them a great addition to any aquarium. They are compatible with most other freshwater fish and invertebrates, and they won’t cause any problems in your tank.

Cost: Ivory snails are relatively inexpensive and easy to find in most pet stores. They are also easy to care for, so you won’t have to worry about spending too much money on their upkeep.

Lifespan: Ivory snails have a long lifespan of up to 5 years, making them a great long-term addition to any aquarium.

Pros Cons
Beauty May eat live plants
Cleaning Can be expensive
Ecosystem Can reproduce rapidly
Compatibility None
Cost None
Lifespan None

Overall, ivory snails are a great addition to any aquarium. They are beautiful, easy to care for, and can help to keep your tank clean and healthy.

Care for Ivory Mystery Snails

Care For Ivory Mystery Snails


Ivory Mystery Snails are well suited for a wide range of aquariums. They can live in tanks as small as 10 gallons, but an aquarium of at least 20 gallons is recommended for optimal growth and health. The aquarium should have plenty of hiding spots, as well as enough room for the snails to move around. The aquarium should also be heavily planted, as the snails will benefit from the extra vegetation, as well as the hiding spots it provides.

Water Conditions

Ivory Mystery Snails are not particularly picky when it comes to water conditions. They can tolerate a wide range of pH levels, from 6.5 to 8.0. The ideal temperature for the aquarium should be between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. The snails also prefer slightly harder water, with a general hardness of 8-12 dGH.


Ivory Mystery Snails are omnivorous, so they will eat a variety of aquarium foods. They are primarily scavengers, so they will feed on dead and decaying matter, as well as algae and other plant matter. They can also be fed a variety of commercial foods, such as blanched vegetables, freeze-dried bloodworms, and commercial sinking pellets. It is important to make sure the snails are not overfed, as this can lead to water quality issues.

Breeding Ivory Mystery Snails

Breeding Ivory Mystery Snails

Ivory Mystery Snails are prolific breeders and can turn your aquarium into a bustling snail colony in no time. In order to breed them successfully, you must provide the snails with an adequate environment. Temperature should be kept between 75-80°F and pH should be around 7.0-8.0. Substrate should be a fine-grain sand or gravel at the bottom of the aquarium.

Reproduction typically takes place in the evening, with the snails pairing off in a spiral shape. The female snail will then lay a clutch of eggs, which will attach to the glass or substrate. The eggs will hatch in about two weeks, and the juveniles will remain close to the parents for a few days. After this, they will disperse into the aquarium and begin to feed.

Temperature 75-80°F
pH 7.0-8.0
Substrate Fine-grain sand or gravel
Reproduction Pairing off in spiral shape

It is important to note that Ivory Mystery Snails do not breed or reproduce in freshwater environments. They require a saltwater environment for successful breeding. It is also important to ensure that the tank is not overcrowded and that there is adequate food and oxygen for the snails. Providing them with a balanced diet of algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and sinking pellets will help ensure the health of your snail colony.

Potential Problems with Ivory Mystery Snails

Ivory Mystery Snails are an interesting addition to any aquarium, but they can also bring some potential problems. It is important to be aware of these issues before you purchase your Ivory Mystery Snails.

The first potential problem is that these snails are prolific breeders and can quickly overpopulate an aquarium. To prevent this you may need to limit the number of snails you have in the tank, or even remove some of them regularly to keep their numbers down.

Another potential problem is that these snails can become very large. They can grow up to 2 inches in diameter, so it is important to make sure that your aquarium is large enough to accommodate them.

Finally, these snails are omnivores and can be quite messy eaters. They may consume algae, but they will also eat other plants, fish food, and even other snails. This can lead to water quality issues if they are not kept in check.

Overall, Ivory Mystery Snails can be a great addition to any aquarium if these potential issues are kept in mind. With proper care and maintenance, they can provide a unique and interesting addition to any tank.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of aquarium is suitable for an ivory snail?

  • Substrate: Soft, sandy substrate that is non-abrasive and won’t harm the snail’s shell.
  • pH Level: Neutral to slightly alkaline. 7.8 – 8.2 is ideal.
  • Temperature: Between 68°F and 78°F (20°C and 26°C).
  • Plants: Plants, especially those with soft leaves, are recommended for the aquarium.
  • Filtration: A good filter is essential to remove waste and keep the water clean.
  • Tank Size: A minimum of 10 gallons is recommended.

How do I Care for an Ivory Snail?

Ivory snails require very little maintenance and can easily be kept in a well-maintained aquarium. Provide them with plenty of oxygenated water and provide them with calcium-rich food like lettuce, cucumber, and blanched vegetables. Make sure to adjust the pH levels in the aquarium, as ivory snails prefer slightly alkaline water (7.2-8.2). You should also make sure to include various hiding places for them in the tank, as they like to hide in small crevices and caves. Regularly clean their tank and replace the water to keep them healthy. Lastly, keep their tank covered, as they are known to escape from time to time.

How do I introduce an ivory snail to my aquarium?

  • Acclimate the ivory snail: Before adding the ivory snail to the aquarium, acclimate the snail to the temperature and pH of the aquarium. This can be done by floating the snail in the aquarium in a cup with a lid. After 15-20 minutes, release the snail into the aquarium.
  • Test the water parameters: Make sure the water parameters (temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, etc.) in the aquarium are suitable for the ivory snail. A pH of 7.2-8.0 and a temperature of 72-78°F (22-26°C) should be ideal.
  • Provide food: Ivory snails are scavengers and will feed on algae, dead or decaying matter, and uneaten fish food. Provide food that is suitable for the snail and monitor their diet to ensure they are receiving enough nutrition.
  • Provide a hiding place: Ivory snails require hiding places in the aquarium. This can include rocks, driftwood, and plants. Make sure there are enough places for them to hide and feel safe.
  • Monitor the snail’s health: Monitor the snail’s health to ensure it is adjusting to the aquarium. Signs of stress include lethargy, lack of appetite, and drifting at the surface of the water. If the snail appears to be stressed, move it to a quarantine tank and monitor its health.

Is an Ivory Snail Hardy Enough to Survive in a Cold Aquarium?

  • Temperature: Ivory snails can survive in temperatures between 59 and 79°F, making them suitable for most aquariums.
  • Water Conditions: Ivory snails can tolerate a wide range of water conditions including pH levels between 6.5 and 8.0, and a hardness between 5 and 15 dGH.
  • Other Species: Ivory snails can generally coexist with most other species of fish and invertebrates, but are prone to being eaten by larger fish.
  • Cold Aquariums: Ivory snails can survive in cold aquariums, as long as the temperature does not drop below 59°F.

Ivory snails are an excellent addition to any aquarium. They are hardy and can survive in a wide range of temperatures and water conditions. They are also peaceful and can coexist with other species of fish and invertebrates. However, it is important to make sure that the temperature of the aquarium does not drop below 59°F, as the cold temperatures can be too much for the snail to handle.

How Can I Tell if My Ivory Snail is Healthy?

The best way to tell if your ivory snail is healthy is by inspecting its shell. It should be bright and glossy, not chipped or cracked. Additionally, the snail should be active, moving around the aquarium, foraging for food. If you notice any of the signs listed above, you may want to consider speaking with a veterinarian or aquarist to diagnose and treat any potential health issues.


The Ivory Snail is a beautiful and peaceful addition to any aquarium. Not only does it offer a unique and attractive display, but it also provides useful benefits such as algae control and waste management. With its unique shell and attractive color, the Ivory Snail is sure to be a great asset to any aquarium.


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