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How To Add Live Plants To An Established Aquarium: Step Guide

Adding live plants to an established aquarium is a great way to add life and interest to your tank. But how to add live plants to an established aquarium, correct? Where to begin? There are …

plants for fish tank

Adding live plants to an established aquarium is a great way to add life and interest to your tank. But how to add live plants to an established aquarium, correct?

Where to begin?

There are a few things to remember when adding live plants to a fish tank:

  1. Choose compatible plants. Live plants should be chosen with care. Many fish are sensitive to plants that overgrow and spread water and nutrients around the tank. It’s always a good idea to consult with your local fish store before adding any plants to your tank. They can help you choose plants compatible with your tank’s inhabitants.
  2. Provide a sound root system. Many live plants need a secure root system to thrive. If the plant’s root system is not strong enough, it will not be able to hold its own against the tank’s current inhabitants. Provide your chosen plants with a good soil mix and plenty of water to help them get established.

What are some good live plants to put in a fish tank?

We have prepared a small list of plants that can be used in a fish tank including:

  • Ferns
  • Cryptocoryne
  • Anubias
  • Elodea
  • Guppy Grass
  • Cissus.

And some plants that should not be used in a fish tank include:

  • Rhododendrons.
  • Aquatic plants that spread water and nutrients around the tank.
  • Plants that produce large amounts of sap or leaves, like irises.

How provide a sound root system?

Many live plants need a secure root system to thrive. If the plant’s root system is not strong enough, it will not be able to hold its own against the tank’s current inhabitants. Provide your chosen plants with a good soil mix and plenty of water to help them get established.

How do acclimate live plants to the temperature and pH of the water in the fish tank before adding them?

The best way to acclimate live plants to the temperature and pH of the water in the fish tank before adding them is to float the plants in the tank for about an hour. This will allow the plants to adjust to the temperature of the water. After an hour, add the plants to the tank.

Step-by-step instructions, on how to install live plants in an aquarium

Once you’ve decided on the plants, you would like to add to your tank. But the question arises: “How exactly to install live plants in an aquarium?” Here are a few tips on how to add live plants to an established aquarium:

  1. Remove any rock ornaments from the aquarium. This will help to reduce the potential for roots to get caught on decorative objects and snag;
  2. Add a layer of gravel to the bottom of the aquarium. This will help to provide a sturdy foundation for the plants.
  3. Fill the aquarium with fresh water.
  4. Remove the plants from the packaging and place them in the aquarium.
  5. Give the plants a good water change. This will help to ensure they have the water they need to thrive.
  6. Observe the plants. Sometimes, new plants can be sensitive to changes in water temperature or pH levels. If you notice any problems, take corrective action immediately.

The main mistakes of those who wonder: “How to plant live plants in a fish tank?”

The first mistake is to think that live plants will automatically grow in a fish tank. The plants will need water, fertilizer, and light, just as they would in a garden or indoor pot. The second mistake is to put live plants in a tank that is too small, overcrowded, or dirty. Aquarium plants need plenty of air and space to grow healthy, and they won’t do well in a tank that is too small or dirty.


Adding live plants to an aquarium can be a great way to add some color and life to your tank. However, it’s important to choose the right plants and to provide them with a good root system. Water them frequently to help them stay alive and thrive in your tank.


  • 5 Live Aquarium Plants That Even a Beginner Can Care For (PetMD Editorial)
  • Using Live Plants in Your Home Aquarium (The Spruce Pets)

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