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Discover the Beautiful Inca Snail – Aquarium Fish, Decorations, Equipment, and General Care

The Inca Snail is an exotic and unique freshwater species that makes a great addition to any aquarium. This snail is native to South America and is known for its striking shell patterns. The Inca …

The Inca Snail is an exotic and unique freshwater species that makes a great addition to any aquarium. This snail is native to South America and is known for its striking shell patterns. The Inca Snail is a great choice for aquarists of all levels and requires minimal care and equipment. With the right tank conditions and decorations, the Inca Snail can thrive and bring life to your aquarium. In this article, we will provide an overview of the Inca Snail, discuss the best aquarium setup, decorations, equipment, and general care tips.

Overview of Inca Snail

Overview Of Inca Snail

  • Scientific Name: Pomacea Inca
  • Origin: Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia
  • Size: Up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter
  • Lifespan: 2 to 4 years
  • Tank Size: 10 gallons (37.8 liters)
  • Tank Conditions: 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH 6.5-8.0, Hardness 4-25 dGH
  • Feeding: Omnivorous, eats algae and detritus
  • Swimming: Bottom dweller

The Inca Snail, also known as the Mystery Snail, is a freshwater species native to Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Its scientific name is Pomacea Inca, and it is a type of Apple Snail. This species is not the same as the South American Apple Snail, which is a different species.

The Inca Snail is a unique type of aquarium snail that is very popular among aquarists. It has a beautiful shell with a distinctive shape, and can be found in a variety of colors. The shell is usually light brown with dark brown stripes, but can also be yellow, pink, blue, or even black.

Inca Snails have an average size of up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter and can live up to 2 to 4 years in the aquarium. They are an undemanding species, and require a tank size of at least 10 gallons (37.8 liters) with a temperature of 75-82°F (24-28°C), pH 6.5-8.0, and hardness 4-25 dGH.

Inca Snails are omnivorous, meaning they will feed on both plant matter and detritus. In the aquarium, they can be fed a variety of foods such as algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and commercial snail foods. They are a peaceful species and are usually found on the bottom of the tank, scavenging for food.

Inca Snails are a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are an interesting species to watch and can help keep the aquarium clean. They are also relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.

Benefits of Keeping Inca Snail

Benefits Of Keeping Inca Snail

Easy Maintenance: Inca Snails are very easy to take care of and require minimal maintenance. They do not require any special food or tank setup, and can survive in a wide range of water conditions. Moreover, they are known for their low-maintenance diet and are able to consume algae and other organic matter in the tank.

Aesthetics: Inca Snails are very attractive and colorful, making them great additions to any aquarium. They will add a unique and interesting look to the tank, while also helping to keep it clean.

Natural Control of Algae: Inca Snails are natural algae eaters and will help to keep the tank free of unsightly algae. They can help to keep the water clean and clear, while also providing a natural form of filtration.

Population Control: Inca Snails are capable of reproducing in an aquarium, but the population is generally kept in check by other tank inhabitants. They will not overwhelm the tank, and can help to keep the population of other species in check.

Aquarium Cleaning: Inca Snails are great for helping to keep the aquarium clean. They help to break down organic matter, such as algae and dead plant material, and also scavenge for food. This helps to keep the tank clean and reduce the amount of debris in the aquarium.

Aquarium Requirements

Aquarium Requirements

Inca Snails need a 10-gallon tank as the minimum, with a medium-sized air pump to provide enough oxygen for the fish. The aquarium should also be equipped with filtering system, such as a sponge filter, to keep the water clean. The water temperature should be between 72-78°F and the pH should be between 7.0-8.0. The tank should also have live plants and rocks to provide hiding places and a substrate like gravel or sand. Inca Snails do best in tanks with low to moderate lighting.

Tank Size

Tank Size

Inca Snails require a minimum tank size of 10 gallons, but for optimum health, a 15-20 gallon tank is recommended. They are active swimmers and need adequate space to move around. Inca Snails can also be kept in larger tanks but the additional space is not necessary. The tank should have a lid to discourage the snail from escaping.

Substrate should be at least 2 inches deep and consist of either natural or artificial gravel. Sand is not recommended as it can cause health problems for the snails. Tank decorations should be limited as Inca Snails can become trapped in small crevices and rocks. Live plants are recommended as Inca Snails will often feed on them.

Water Conditions

Water Conditions

  • Temperature: 20-25°C (68-77°F)
  • pH: 6.5-7.5
  • GH: 5-10
  • KH: 3-7
  • Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate: 0ppm

Inca Snails prefer waters with a neutral pH, slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. They are not very tolerant of extreme pH levels. The water should also be kept clean, with regular partial water changes to remove any waste.



  • Caribsea Eco-complete: This type of substrate is ideal for Inca Snails as it provides essential minerals and nutrients for them to thrive. It also has a high buffering capacity which helps maintain a healthy level of pH in the tank.
  • Gravel: Gravel is a low cost substrate option, however, it is not ideal for Inca Snails as it does not contain any of the essential minerals and nutrients that they need to survive.
  • Sand: Sand is also a good option for Inca Snails as it provides a comfortable environment for them to move around in. It also helps to maintain a healthy level of pH in the tank.
  • Coco Coir: Coco Coir is a natural substrate made from coconut husks and is great for Inca Snails because it provides a soft and comfortable environment for them to move around in.

Inca Snails prefer a substrate that is soft and not too coarse, as they can be delicate creatures. It is important to choose a substrate that is not too large, as it can get stuck in their breathing tube and cause them harm. It is also important to make sure that the substrate is not too small, as this can cause them to ingest it and become ill.



Inca Snails thrive in temperatures between 73 and 79 °F (23 to 26 °C). The water temperature should remain fairly consistent and be monitored regularly to ensure the health of your Inca Snail. Additionally, it is important to note that large fluctuations in temperature can be deadly to Inca Snails.

Temperature (°F) Temperature (°C)
73 – 79 23 – 26


Incas Snails are omnivores and will feed on a variety of food sources. They are especially fond of algae and other plant matter, such as spirulina, lettuce, and cucumbers. They will also eat commercial food pellets, as well as frozen, freeze-dried, and live foods. Inca Snails will also scavenge in the substrate for bits of food. To ensure that your Inca Snail is receiving a balanced diet, feed it a variety of foods.



  • Inca Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive systems, and can reproduce with any other snail of the same species.
  • The female will lay up to 100 eggs at a time, and these eggs are usually found on the walls of the tank or in the substrate.
  • The eggs are usually white, elongated and semi-translucent and can take up to two weeks to hatch.
  • The Inca Snail does not require any special attention or care during the reproductive process.
  • Once the eggs hatch, the baby Inca Snails will be small and are usually found near the bottom of the tank.
  • The baby snails will feed on the same food as the adult snails, but they will not require as much food.
  • It can take up to a year for the baby snails to reach adulthood.

Diseases and Health Issues

Diseases And Health Issues
Inca Snails are generally hardy and resistant to disease, but they can still be prone to the same illnesses as other aquarium fish. It is important to keep their habitat clean and to quarantine any new fish or snails before adding them to the existing tank. Common diseases that may affect Inca Snails include bacterial infections, parasites, and fungal infections. If a snail appears to be unhealthy, it should be removed from the tank and treated with antibiotics or antifungal medication.

Bacterial Infections can cause a number of symptoms including lethargy, loss of appetite, and white patches on the shell. It is important to treat these infections with antibiotics as soon as possible.

Parasites can cause anemia and loss of appetite. It is important to treat these infections with medication as soon as possible.

Fungal Infections can cause white, fuzzy growths on the shell, and can be treated with antifungal medication.

Disease Symptoms Treatment
Bacterial Infections Lethargy, loss of appetite, white patches on the shell Antibiotics
Parasites Anemia, loss of appetite Medication
Fungal Infections White, fuzzy growths on the shell Antifungal medication

It is important to keep an eye on Inca Snails to ensure that they are healthy and free of disease. Regular water changes and tank maintenance can help to prevent many diseases in Inca Snails.

General Care

General Care

Inca snails are a hardy species that will thrive in almost any tank setup. They are not fussy eaters, and in the wild they are known to feed on algae, detritus, and plant matter. In an aquarium setting, they can be fed a variety of commercial fish foods, such as flakes, pellets, and algae wafers.

Water Parameters: Inca snails are tolerant of a wide range of water parameters, but prefer a pH between 6.5 and 8.0. The temperature should be kept between 72 and 78°F (22 to 26°C).

Tank Setup: Inca snails are active and need plenty of space to roam. A minimum tank size of 10 gallons is recommended. The tank should be well-planted and there should be enough hiding spots for the snails. The tank should also be well-filtered and have plenty of water flow to keep the water quality high.

Tank Mates: Inca snails can be kept with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish and invertebrates. Make sure to avoid any aggressive species, as they may attack or harass the snails.

Breeding: Inca snails will reproduce quite easily, and the tank should be set up with plenty of hiding spots and food sources for the young. When the eggs hatch, the young snails will be about the size of a grain of sand.

Parameter Value
pH 6.5-8.0
Temperature 72-78°F (22-26°C)
Tank Size 10 gallons
Tank Mates Peaceful and non-aggressive


Inca Snails are peaceful and quite undemanding when it comes to aquarium decorations. They will thrive in any aquarium with plenty of hiding places and places to graze on algae and other biofilm. They do not require a lot of light, so any kind of rock or wood work is suitable. The best decoration for an Inca Snail is a live plant, such as Java Fern or Anubias. This will provide them with an ideal hiding spot and some greens to munch on. Artificial plants are also acceptable but they may get in the way of the Inca Snail’s grazing.

Inca Snails enjoy having a substrate to sift and dig through, so a fine sand or soil substrate is ideal. Avoid sharp gravels as they can injure the snail’s foot. Aquarium gravels are also not ideal as Inca Snails will not be able to easily graze on the biofilm that builds up on it.

Inca Snails are also quite sensitive to water quality and temperature, so care must be taken to ensure that their environment is kept safe and clean. Water changes and regular maintenance are important for the health of the Inca Snail.


  • Tank: Inca snails require a tank size of at least 5 gallons. An aquarium filter is recommended to keep the water clean and provide adequate oxygenation.
  • Substrate: An appropriate substrate should be used to provide them with an ideal environment. Sand, gravel or even small pebbles are all suitable options.
  • Lighting: Inca snails are not particularly sensitive to lighting, however, a low level of light is recommended for optimal growth.
  • Decorations: Inca snails are not picky with decorations, however, some decorations can be added to make the tank more visually appealing and provide hiding places for the snails.
  • Heating: Inca snails prefer a temperature of 72-78°F (22-26°C). A small heater may be necessary to keep the temperature in this range.
  • pH Levels: Inca snails prefer a pH level of 7.0-7.5. Regular water tests should be performed to ensure the pH level is within the acceptable range.

Inca snails are not particularly demanding when it comes to their care, but they do require the right equipment and environment in order to thrive. The right aquarium equipment, such as a tank, filter, substrate, lighting, decorations, and a heater, are all necessary for keeping Inca snails healthy and happy. With the proper care, Inca snails can live for up to 3 years, providing a unique addition to any aquarium.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of environment does the Inca Snail need in order to survive?

  • Water Temperature: The Inca snail prefers temperatures between 72-79°F (22-26°C).
  • pH Level: The Inca snail needs an acidic water environment with a pH level of 6.5-7.5.
  • Substrate: A soft, sandy substrate is best for the Inca snail.
  • Plants: The Inca snail enjoys a well-planted environment with plenty of live plants.
  • Lighting: The Inca snail needs low to moderate lighting.
  • Food: The Inca snail should be fed a variety of plant-based foods such as algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and other fresh vegetables.

Is the Inca Snail Compatible with Other Aquarium Inhabitants?

The Inca Snail is a peaceful species and can be kept with other snails, fish, shrimp and other aquatic invertebrates. It should not be kept with aggressive species, as it can be easily intimidated or outcompeted for food. It is also important to ensure that any tankmates are of similar size, as the Inca Snail may be eaten by larger species. Additionally, it is not recommended to keep more than one Inca Snail in the same tank, as they can be territorial.

How Often Should the Inca Snail’s Tank be Cleaned?

The Inca Snail’s tank should be cleaned at least every two weeks to ensure the tank stays healthy and free of debris. It is recommended to perform a full water change and tank clean once a month. Be sure to use an aquarium-safe cleaner and siphon out all debris when cleaning the tank. Regular tank cleaning is essential for maintaining a healthy environment for the Inca Snail.

What types of food should be provided to the Inca Snail?

  • Vegetables: Inca snails are herbivores and should be provided with a variety of fresh vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach, zucchini, cucumber, and squash.
  • Fruits: Inca snails also enjoy consuming fruits, such as apples, oranges, grapes, and melons.
  • Algae: Algae tablets and flakes are also good sources of food for Inca snails.
  • Pellets: Inca snail pellets are available in pet stores and are a good source of nutrition for Inca snails.
  • Live foods: Live foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms can also be provided to Inca snails, but should be used sparingly and as a supplement, rather than the primary source of nutrition.

How can I tell if the Inca Snail is healthy?

The Inca Snail should have a shiny and firm shell, with a bright, vibrant color. It should also be active and have a healthy appetite. If the snail has a sunken shell or a pale color, it is an indication of poor health. Additionally, if the snail is inactive or not eating, it is likely to be ill. Signs of disease include cloudy eyes, discolored spots, or a slimy mucus on the shell or body.


Inca Snails are great additions to any aquarium, providing good aeration and algae-eating services to an aquarium. They are easy to care for and do not require special equipment. They can be used as decorations and as an added layer of interest to an aquarium. With proper care, an Inca Snail can live for up to five years in an aquarium.


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