How to Care for Orange Molly Fish in Your Aquarium

Orange molly fish are a popular choice for freshwater aquariums, and are a great addition to any tank. They are colorful, hardy, and easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for beginner aquarists. …

Orange molly fish are a popular choice for freshwater aquariums, and are a great addition to any tank. They are colorful, hardy, and easy to care for, making them an ideal choice for beginner aquarists. In this article, we’ll provide some helpful tips on how to properly care for your orange molly fish, as well as information on the types of decorations and equipment that you’ll need to keep your fish healthy and happy.

Aquarium Care

Aquarium Care

Water Conditions

Orange mollies need a pH level between 7.2 and 8.4 and temperatures between 72°F and 82°F. To maintain a healthy tank, weekly water changes of at least 10–15% are recommended. Regular water changes and tests of water parameters are important for keeping a healthy tank environment.


Orange mollies are omnivorous and will accept most foods. Feeding a variety of nutritious foods such as flakes, pellets, frozen, and live food is recommended. It is important to not overfeed as this can cause water quality issues.


Orange mollies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young. Females can have up to 100 fry every four weeks, so it is important to have an appropriate environment and plan for the fry.

Tank Setup

Orange mollies are best kept in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons. Provide plenty of hiding places and swimming space with plenty of plants and rocks. Regular water changes and tests of water parameters are important.

Orange mollies are peaceful fish that can be kept with other peaceful tank mates such as guppies, platies, and other mollies.




Substrates provide natural, aesthetic appeal to the aquarium. Gravel is the most popular substrate, as it is easy to care for and comes in many colors. Another option is sand, which can be darker or brighter than gravel. Sand also allows for burrowing fish, such as mollies, to create tunnels and hideouts.


Live plants can help keep the aquarium water clean, and provide a natural habitat for fish. Some popular plants for a molly tank include anacharis, hornwort, java moss, and water wisteria. Artificial plants are also available, and may be easier to maintain.

Rocks & Driftwood

Rocks and driftwood provide hiding places for mollies, and can help create a more natural-looking habitat. Rocks should be smooth to avoid injuring the fish, and should be chosen so they do not alter the pH of the tank. Driftwood should be boiled before adding it to the tank to remove any potential contaminants.



Filters are essential to maintain healthy aquarium environments for Orange Molly Fish, and can be divided into two categories: mechanical and biological. Mechanical filters remove debris, uneaten food, and other particulates from the water, while biological filters create a hospitable environment for beneficial bacteria to break down toxic ammonia and nitrite.


A heater is essential in most aquariums to maintain a stable and consistent temperature for the Orange Molly Fish, as sudden fluctuations can cause shock and even death. Submersible aquarium heaters are usually the best option, as they can be placed within the tank and kept out of view.


Providing the correct lighting is key to maintaining a healthy aquarium and is beneficial to the health and wellbeing of your Orange Molly Fish. Full-spectrum LED lighting is ideal for aquariums, as it can help to simulate a natural day-and-night cycle and also helps to bring out the vibrant colors of the fish.

Air Pumps

Air pumps are essential for any aquarium as they help to oxygenate the water. This is especially important for Orange Molly Fish, as they need plenty of oxygen to stay healthy. Air pumps are relatively inexpensive and easy to install, and can be used in combination with air stones or bubble wands to create an oxygen-rich environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of tank is best for Orange Molly Fish?

Orange Molly Fish are best kept in tanks between 20 and 55 gallons. They prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places. The aquarium should be lightly-filtered, with the filter flow kept low. A substrate of fine sand or gravel should be used, along with rocks and driftwood for decoration. Water temperature should be maintained between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and the water should be slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.5 to 8.5. Additionally, a weekly 25-50% water change is recommended to keep the tank clean and the fish healthy.

How Often Should I Feed My Orange Molly Fish?

  • Young Orange Molly Fish: Feed twice a day with a small amount of food.
  • Adult Orange Molly Fish: Feed once a day with a large portion of food.
  • Pregnant Orange Molly Fish: Feed three times a day with a small amount of food.

Orange Molly Fish should be fed a high-quality fish food that is high in protein. The food should be small in size, as Orange Molly Fish are small fish. Freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia are all good options. Avoid overfeeding your Orange Molly Fish, as this can cause health issues and can lead to ammonia spikes in the aquarium.

How do I know if my Orange Molly Fish is healthy?

Appearance: Healthy Orange Mollies are generally a vibrant orange or yellow color, with a glossy, smooth body. The scales should be properly aligned and the eyes should be clear and bright.

Behavior: Healthy Orange Mollies should be active and swim around without any difficulty. They should also be social and interact with other fish in the tank.

Appetite: Healthy Orange Mollies should have a hearty appetite, eating both flakes and live food.

Weight: Healthy Orange Mollies should have a good body weight. If they seem too thin or too fat, it may be a sign of health issues.

Feces: Healthy Orange Mollies should have regular feces that are a normal color. If the feces are white or yellow, it may be a sign of a health issue.

Fins: Healthy Orange Mollies should have fins that are clear and undamaged. Any signs of redness, inflammation, or fin rot may indicate health issues.

Gills: Healthy Orange Mollies should have gills that are bright red and have no signs of infection. If the gills are pale or have discoloration, it may be a sign of health issues.

What type of decorations and equipment should I use in my Orange Molly Fish aquarium?


  • Live or artificial plants
  • Caves, driftwood and rocks
  • Sand or fine gravel substrate
  • Equipment:

  • Aquarium filter
  • Aquarium heater
  • Aquarium water test kit
  • Aquarium thermometer
  • Aquarium lights

Orange Molly Fish typically inhabit shallow, slow-moving waters with plenty of hiding places and live plants. To replicate this environment, use decorations such as live or artificial plants, caves, driftwood and rocks. A sandy or fine gravel substrate is also recommended.

In addition to decorations, aquarium equipment is essential for the health of your Orange Molly Fish. A filter, heater, water test kit, thermometer and lights are all necessary to maintain the right temperature, pH and water quality.

What types of other species can I safely house with Orange Molly Fish?

Orange Molly Fish can be kept in a community tank with other peaceful fish, such as neon tetras, guppies, platies, and even other mollies. It is important to keep an eye on the tank, as some species may outcompete the mollies for food. Additionally, tankmates should not be too small, as they may be seen as a snack. Lastly, stay away from aggressive fish, such as cichlids, as they may attack the mollies.


Orange Molly Fish are a great choice for beginner aquarium hobbyists. They are easy to care for, can live in a variety of habitats, and are very adaptable to different water conditions. They can be kept in a variety of tank sizes, and require minimal equipment and decorations, making them a great option for any aquarium. With proper care, Orange Molly Fish can live for several years and will bring a lot of joy to their owners.


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