Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

When it comes to keeping shrimp, the Black Fancy Tiger shrimp is a great choice for a beginner. This species is very easy to care for and can be kept in a wide range of …

Beautiful black fantasy tiger shrimp

When it comes to keeping shrimp, the Black Fancy Tiger shrimp is a great choice for a beginner. This species is very easy to care for and can be kept in a wide range of water conditions. They are also very hardy, so they can withstand a bit of neglect. That being said, they will still thrive and grow much faster if they are provided with optimal care.

What is a Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp?
A Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp is a type of shrimp that is native to Southeast Asia. It is a popular type of shrimp to eat because of its sweet and delicate flavor.

Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Key Care Stats

Maximum size:4 inches
Minimum tank size:10 gallons
Care level:Easy
Water conditions:72–78 degrees Fahrenheit, pH 8.1–8.4, salinity 1.020–1.025
Diet:Omnivorous; frozen or live foods

Species Summary

The black fancy tiger shrimp, also known as the Black Tiger Prawn, is a species of shrimp that is native to the Indo-Pacific region. It is one of the most popular shrimp species in the aquarium trade. The black fancy tiger shrimp is a large shrimp, reaching a length of up to 8 inches (20 cm). It has a black body with white stripes running along its back and sides. The black fancy tiger shrimp is an omnivore and will eat a variety of foods, including algae, detritus, and small invertebrates.

Beautiful black fancy tiger prawn

Where do They Come From?

Most of the black tiger shrimp that are consumed in the United States come from farms in Asia. These shrimp are typically farmed in ponds or in cages in coastal waters. The shrimp are fed pellets made from fish meal and other ingredients.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of black tiger shrimp farms in Latin America and Africa. These farms typically use different methods to raise the shrimp, including mangrove systems and zero-exchange ponds.

How Long do Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Live for?

As with most things in life, shrimp lifespan can vary greatly depending on the environment and care they receive. In the wild, black fancy tiger shrimp typically live for 1-2 years. In captivity, however, these same shrimp can live for 5 years or more with proper care. So, how can you ensure your black fancy tiger shrimp live a long and healthy life?

A shrimp’s natural habitat is a freshwater river or stream, so they do best in an aquarium that simulates these conditions. Be sure to include plenty of hiding places and aerate the water well to keep them healthy and stress-free.

Beautiful black fancy tiger prawn

How Big do Black Fancy Tiger Grow?

It is estimated that Black Fancy Tiger shrimp grow up to 2 inches in length. However, the average size is usually 1.5 inches. The largest recorded size for this species of shrimp is 3.1 inches. Black Fancy Tiger shrimp grow relatively quickly.

There are many factors that can affect the growth rate of Black Fancy Tiger shrimp. These include the quality of the water, the availability of food, and the temperature of the water. In general, shrimp that are kept in captivity grow faster than those in the wild.

Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

Despite their striking appearance, black fancy tiger shrimp are actually very similar to other shrimp in terms of anatomy and physiology. They have a long, slender body with segmented legs and a tail. Their bodies are covered in a hard exoskeleton, which protects them from predators and helps them to stay buoyant in water.

Like other shrimp, black fancy tiger shrimp are filter feeders. They use their long legs to scoop up small particles of food from the water around them. This diet consists mostly of plankton, but can also include algae, small fish, and other organic matter.

There are two main varieties of black fancy tiger shrimp: the common black tiger shrimp and the giant tiger shrimp. The common black tiger shrimp is the more prevalent of the two and can be found in pet stores and online retailers. The giant tiger shrimp, on the other hand, is much rarer and is only found in the wild.

Beautiful black fancy tiger prawn

Male and Female Difference

There are many differences between male and female black fancy tiger shrimp. The most obvious difference is that male shrimp have larger claws than females. Male shrimp also have a longer and thinner abdomen, and their tails are shorter and more pointed. Females have a shorter and thicker abdomen, and their tails are longer and more round.

Another difference between the sexes is that males are more aggressive than females. They are also more likely to fight with other males for dominance. Females are more likely to be submissive and to flee when confronted with aggression.

Males also tend to be more brightly coloured than females, with more intense patterns on their shells. This is believed to be a form of sexual dimorphism, where males are more colourful in order to attract mates.

The final major difference between male and female black fancy tiger shrimp is that females are capable of reproduction, while males are not. Females have a pair of ovaries which produce eggs, while males do not have any reproductive organs. This means that it is only the females who can lay eggs and produce offspring.

Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

If you’re looking for a beautiful and unique addition to your freshwater aquarium, look no further than the black fancy tiger shrimp! While the black fancy tiger shrimp is not as easy to care for as some other shrimp species, with a little patience and attention to detail, you can successfully keep these creatures in your home aquarium.

The Best Aquarium Size for Black Fancy Tiger Shrimps

When it comes to choosing the best aquarium size for your black fancy tiger shrimp, there are a few things to consider. First, how many shrimp do you want to keep? Second, what other fish or invertebrates will you be keeping with them? Third, what kind of filtration and aeration do you need to maintain water quality?

Water Parameters

As a general rule of thumb, each black fancy tiger shrimp needs about 2 gallons of water. So, if you want to keep a small group of 5 shrimp, you will need a 10 gallon aquarium. If you want to keep a larger group of 10 shrimp, you will need a 20 gallon aquarium.

When it comes to choosing tank mates for your black fancy tiger shrimp, it is best to stick with peaceful fish that are not too large. Good choices include small tetras, danios, and rasboras. Avoid keeping fish that are known to nip at shrimp, such as barbs and bettas. Invertebrates such as snails and nerite snails make good tank mates, and will help to keep the tank clean.

Black fancy tiger shrimps in an aquarium


Filtration is important in any aquarium, but is especially important in a shrimp tank. Be sure to choose a filter that is rated for at least twice the volume of your aquarium. For example, if you have a 10 gallon aquarium, you will need a filter rated for at least 20 gallons. Shrimp are very sensitive to water quality, so a good filter is essential. Aeration is also important in a shrimp tank. Shrimp need dissolved oxygen in the water in order to breathe.

When it comes to choosing the best aquarium size for your black fancy tiger shrimp, the most important thing to consider is how many shrimp you want to keep. Start with a small group of 5 shrimp, and increase the number as your aquarium becomes established. Be sure to choose a filter and air pump that are appropriately sized for your aquarium, and provide plenty of hiding places for your shrimp. With proper care, your shrimp will thrive and provide you with hours of enjoyment.

Do BFT Shrimp Need Air Pump?

An air pump with an air stone will provide the necessary aeration. Most people believe that BFT shrimp need an air pump to survive. However, this is not the case. BFT shrimp are able to live without an air pump by getting the oxygen they need from the water column.

Black fancy tiger shrimps in an aquarium

Aquarium Lighting

Aquarium lighting is often overlooked when it comes to shrimp tanks. This is a shame because proper lighting is very important for the health of your shrimp. Black fancy tiger shrimp are no exception.

In the wild, black fancy tiger shrimp live in dark, murky waters. This is why they are attracted to dark colors and low lighting conditions. In the home aquarium, you can recreate this environment by using dark gravel and rocks, and by providing low lighting.

Black fancy tiger shrimp are very sensitive to light. They are also very sensitive to changes in light. This means that you need to be careful when choosing aquarium lighting for your shrimp tank.

There are two types of aquarium lighting that you can use for your shrimp tank: fluorescent and LED.

Fluorescent lighting is the most common type of aquarium lighting. It is inexpensive and easy to find. However, it is not the best type of lighting for shrimp tanks. Fluorescent bulbs emit a lot of heat, which can be harmful to shrimp. They also emit a lot of light, which can be too much for shrimp.

LED lighting is a newer type of aquarium lighting. It is more expensive than fluorescent lighting, but it is worth the extra cost. LED lighting is much cooler than fluorescent lighting, so it is safer for shrimp. LED lighting also emits very little light, so it is perfect for shrimp tanks.

When choosing aquarium lighting for your shrimp tank, make sure to get an LED light. This will provide the best environment for your shrimp and help them stay healthy.

Black fancy tiger shrimp in an aquarium

Plants and Decorations

If you have a black fancy tiger shrimp, you may want to consider adding some plants and decorations to their tank. Here are a few things to consider when adding plants and decorations to a black fancy tiger shrimp tank:


Adding plants to a shrimp tank can provide hiding places and help create a more natural environment. When choosing plants for a shrimp tank, it is important to avoid those with sharp leaves or that are known to be toxic to shrimp. Some good plant options for a shrimp tank include anacharis, java fern, and hornwort.


Decorations can also help provide hiding places and create a more natural environment for shrimp. When choosing decorations for a shrimp tank, it is important to avoid those with sharp edges or that could break and release toxins into the water. Some good decoration options for a shrimp tank include driftwood, rocks, and cave-like structures.

In addition to plants and decorations, it is also important to provide a good source of food and clean water for black fancy tiger shrimp. A diet of live and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp and bloodworms, is recommended. It is also important to perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and free of toxins.

Black fancy tiger shrimp in an aquarium

What’s the Best Substrate for Black Fancy Tiger Shrimps?

The best substrate for black fancy tiger shrimp is a high quality, finely grained aquarium gravel. The gravel should be a dark color to help bring out the color of the shrimp. Avoid using sand as it can be too fine and cause problems with the shrimp’s gills.

When choosing an aquarium gravel, make sure it is free of any chemicals or dyes that could harm the shrimp. Also, avoid using gravel that has been treated with any kind of chemicals or pesticides.

Once you have chosen the perfect gravel for your black fancy tiger shrimp, it is time to add some plants to the aquarium. Black fancy tiger shrimp love to hide among the plants and the plants will also help to keep the water quality high.

Some good plants to add to the aquarium include java ferns, anubias, and hornwort. These plants are all very hardy and will do well in most aquariums.

So, what is the best substrate for black fancy tiger shrimp? The answer is a high quality, dark colored, finely grained aquarium gravel. With the addition of some hardy plants, your shrimp will have everything they need to thrive in your aquarium.

Food & Diet

When it comes to food and diet, black fancy tiger shrimp are not that different from other shrimp. They are omnivores, meaning that they will eat just about anything. This includes other shrimp, fish, plankton, and even algae. In the wild, their diet is primarily determined by what is available.

What Can I Feed Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp?

In captivity, however, their diet can be a bit more controlled. While they will still eat just about anything, it is important to provide them with a varied diet that includes all of the nutrients they need. A good diet for black fancy tiger shrimp should include:

  • Protein: This can come from other shrimp, fish, or even chicken.
  • Algae: This is a great source of nutrients for shrimp and can be found in most aquariums.
  • Plankton: This is another great source of protein and can be found in most aquariums.
  • Vegetables: Shrimp love vegetables, so feel free to include some in their diet.
  • Fruit: Shrimp also enjoy fruit, so don’t be afraid to include some in their diet as well.

A good diet for black fancy tiger shrimp will provide them with all of the nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy.

How Often Do Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

Black fancy tiger shrimp only need to be fed once a day, and they will be just fine. Of course, the amount of food that you give them will depend on the size of your shrimp and the size of your aquarium. A good rule of thumb is to give them enough food so that they can eat their fill in about 2 minutes. If you are unsure of how much to give them, it is always better to err on the side of giving them too little rather than too much.

Overfeeding is one of the biggest problems that shrimp keepers face. When shrimp are overfed, they can start to produce a lot of waste. This waste can pollute the water in your aquarium and make it unsafe for your shrimp and other fish. So, it is really important to only feed your shrimp what they can eat in a day.

Black fancy tiger shrimp in an aquarium

If you are looking for a low-maintenance pet that is easy to care for, then black fancy tiger shrimp are a great choice. Just remember to feed them once a day, and they will be happy and healthy.

How Long Can a Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Go Without Food?

A black fancy tiger shrimp can go without food for up to two weeks. However, it is important to note that this does not mean that the shrimp will not need to eat during this time. The shrimp will still need to eat, but it can go without food for up to two weeks.

Behavior & Temperament

In the wild, black fancy tiger shrimp are found in brackish and fresh water habitats in Southeast Asia. They are a bottom-dwelling species that prefer to live in areas with plenty of hiding places. In the aquarium, they will do best in a setup that includes plenty of hiding places and is heavily planted.

They are known to be very territorial and will often fight with other shrimp, fish, and even snails. They can also be quite nippy and will often pinch their tankmates. For this reason, it is best to keep them with other shrimp or fish that are too large to be considered prey.

Black fancy tiger shrimps in the aquarium

Good Tank Mates

Although black fancy tiger shrimp are not aggressive, they are quick and active, so their tank mates should be chosen accordingly. Some good tank mates for black fancy tiger shrimp include:

Because black fancy tiger shrimp are bottom feeders, their tank mates should not be aggressive bottom feeders that will out-compete them for food. In addition, black fancy tiger shrimp are sensitive to water quality and should not be kept with fish that are known to be messy or produce a lot of waste.

Unsafe Tank Mates

One of the most common predators of shrimp is the freshwater fish known as the pufferfish. Pufferfish are voracious eaters that will not hesitate to snack on a shrimp or two. In addition, pufferfish are also known to be carriers of a deadly toxin called tetrodotoxin. This toxin can kill a human being within hours, and even a small amount can be fatal to shrimp.

Another common predator of shrimp is the eel. Eels are long, snake-like creatures that can grow to be quite large. They are known to be very aggressive eaters, and will readily devour any shrimp they can get their mouths on. In addition, eels can also be quite territorial, and may attack shrimp that come too close to their hiding spots.

Finally, one of the most common animals that will outcompete shrimp for food is the crab. Crabs are opportunistic feeders that will eat just about anything they can get their claws on. This includes shrimp, which crabs will readily devour given the chance. In addition, crabs are also known to be very aggressive, and may attack shrimp that come too close to their territory. For these reasons, it is best to avoid keeping crabs with black fancy tiger shrimp.

Black Fancy Tiger Shrimp Breeding

Black Fancy Tiger shrimp are a hybrid of two other shrimp species: the Black Tiger shrimp and the Blue Tiger shrimp. As such, they are not found in the wild. All Black Fancy Tiger shrimp currently in existence are the result of breeding programs.

If you are interested in breeding Black Fancy Tiger shrimp, there are a few things you need to know. First, these shrimp are best suited to a brackish water environment. This means that your breeding tank will need to have some salt content – around 1-2 teaspoons per gallon is ideal. You can use regular aquarium salt, which is readily available at most pet stores.

Second, Black Fancy Tiger shrimp are not particularly picky eaters. A variety of foods will be accepted, including pellets, flakes, and even frozen foods. As with all shrimp, it is important to offer a variety of foods to ensure proper nutrition.

Third, Black Fancy Tiger shrimp are not especially fond of high temperatures. Their ideal range is 68-78 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water in your breeding tank gets too warm, you may notice that the shrimp become less active and may even stop eating.

Fourth, when breeding Black Fancy Tiger shrimp, it is important to have a separate tank for the larvae. The larvae are very delicate and need special care. Once they reach adulthood, they can be moved to the main breeding tank.

FAQs on How to Care for BFTS

How many Black Fancy Tiger shrimps can I keep in a 10-gallon tank?

You can keep up to 3 Black Fancy Tiger shrimp in a 10-gallon tank.

Is it hard to breed Black Fancy Tiger shrimp?

Yes, it is hard to breed Black Fancy Tiger shrimp because they are very sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature.

Closing Thoughts

As with any pet, shrimp care requires time, patience, and a little bit of extra effort. But the payoff is definitely worth it – these little creatures are not only beautiful to look at but also a joy to watch as they go about their business. If you provide the proper care and attention, breeding Black Fancy Tiger shrimp can be a rewarding experience. These beautiful shrimp make a great addition to any shrimp breeding program.


  • Mangrove Ecosystems and Livelihoods (Commonwealth Blue Charter):
  • Sexual dimorphism (Britannica):
  • Corydoras (Wikipedia):

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