Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful addition to your aquarium, look no further than the red fancy tiger shrimp! This striking shrimp is sure to turn heads, and it’s peaceful nature makes it …

Red Fancy Tiger in an aquarium

If you’re looking for a unique and beautiful addition to your aquarium, look no further than the red fancy tiger shrimp! This striking shrimp is sure to turn heads, and it’s peaceful nature makes it a perfect candidate for community tanks. Though they are relatively easy to care for, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your red fancy tiger shrimp stay healthy and happy.

What is a Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp?
A Fancy Red Tiger Shrimp is a variety of shrimp that is characterized by its red and white coloration. This type of shrimp is popular in aquariums and is often used in shrimp cocktails.

Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Key Care Stats

Scientific Name:Caridina cantonensis
Maximum Size:2 inches
Lifespan:2–3 years
Minimum Tank Size:10 gallons
Water Conditions:75–82 °F, KH 8–12, pH 6.5–7.5

Species Summary

Red fancy tiger shrimp are a species of shrimp that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They are a popular choice for aquariums because of their bright red coloration and active nature.

Red fancy tiger shrimp are easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are peaceful and do well in community tanks. A well-balanced diet of live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods will keep them healthy and happy.

Red fancy tiger shrimp are a popular choice for aquarists because of their bright red coloration.

Red Fancy Tiger in the aquarium

Where do They Come From?

In the wild, tiger shrimp are found in brackish and freshwaters in Southeast Asia. In captivity, they can be found in most pet stores that sell aquarium shrimp. When choosing a tiger shrimp for your aquarium, it is important to inspect them for any injuries or diseases.

How Long do Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Live for?

According to most sources, the average lifespan for this species is between one and two years. However, there have been some reports of shrimp living up to three years or more. So, if you’re looking for a shrimp that has the potential to live a long time, the red fancy tiger shrimp is a good choice.

How Big do Red Fancy Tiger Grow?

Fancy tiger shrimp can grow to be quite large, up to 4 inches in length. That’s a pretty big shrimp! In fact, most fancy tiger shrimp only grow to be about 2 inches long.

So why the difference in size? It all has to do with the environment that the shrimp are in. Shrimp that are in a larger tank with more food and better water conditions will tend to grow larger than shrimp in a smaller tank with less food and poorer water conditions.

So if you want your fancy tiger shrimp to grow to their full potential, make sure to give them a good home with plenty of food and clean water. With the right conditions, these shrimp can grow to be quite large and impressively colored!

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the aquarium

Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

The Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp is a type of shrimp that is popular in the aquarium trade. The Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp has a number of unique physical features. One of the most notable features of this shrimp is its bright red coloration. The Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp also has long, white antennae and long legs. The legs of the Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp are specially adapted for climbing and clinging to rocks and other surfaces.

The Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp is a omnivorous shrimp. This means that it feeds on both plants and animals. The diet of the Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp consists of algae, detritus, and small invertebrates.

The Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp typically reproduces during the wet season. The female shrimp will lay her eggs in a protected location, such as under a rock or in a crevice. The eggs will hatch in about two weeks. The juvenile shrimp will remain in the protected location for several weeks before venturing out into the open water.

Male and Female Difference

When it comes to shrimp, there are two different types that are available for purchase. These are the male and female shrimp. There are some slight differences between the two.

When it comes to size, the male shrimp are typically larger than the female shrimp. This is because the male shrimp have to be able to mate with the female shrimp. The female shrimp only need to be large enough to carry the eggs.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the aquarium

Another difference between the two types of shrimp is that the male shrimp tend to be more colorful than the female shrimp. This is because the male shrimp are trying to attract the female shrimp for mating. The female shrimp are not as colorful because they do not need to attract mates.

The last difference between the two types of shrimp is that the male shrimp have more meat on their tails than the female shrimp. This is because the female shrimp use their tails to carry the eggs. The male shrimp do not need to carry eggs, so they have more meat on their tails.

Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

First and foremost, red fancy tiger shrimp need a clean and well-oxygenated tank. They are not particularly messy, but they do produce a fair amount of waste so regular water changes are a must. A good rule of thumb is to change out about 25-30% of the water each week.

The Best Aquarium Size for Red Fancy Tiger Shrimps

When it comes to shrimp, there are a lot of different factors that go into choosing the right aquarium size. But when it comes to red fancy tiger shrimp, the best aquarium size is around 10 gallons.

This is because red fancy tiger shrimp are relatively small, so they don’t need a lot of space to move around. They also don’t produce a lot of waste, so a smaller aquarium is easier to keep clean.

Of course, there are other factors to consider when choosing an aquarium size, such as the number of shrimp you want to keep and the other types of fish or invertebrates you want to add to your tank. But in general, a 10 gallon aquarium is the perfect size for a red fancy tiger shrimp setup.

Water Parameters

The ideal water parameters for fancy tiger shrimp are:

pH: 6.5–7.5
Temperature: 72–78 degrees Fahrenheit
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: less than 20 ppm
GH: 5–8
KH: 3–5

Fancy tiger shrimp are not particularly sensitive to changes in water parameters, but it is still important to maintain stable conditions. Sudden or drastic changes can be stressful and even deadly for shrimp.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the aquarium


If you’re looking to keep red fancy tiger shrimp, it’s important to know a little bit about filtration. While these shrimp are relatively easy to care for, they still require a few specific things in their environment in order to thrive.

Red fancy tiger shrimp are native to freshwater streams and ponds in Southeast Asia. In the wild, they are used to filtered water with a high level of dissolved oxygen. In captivity, it’s important to recreate this environment as closely as possible.

One of the most important things you can do for your red fancy tiger shrimp is to install a good filtration system. This will help to keep the water clean and the shrimp healthy. There are a few different types of filters that can be used, but an external canister filter is often the best option.

When choosing a filter for your shrimp tank, it’s important to select one that has a good flow rate. A filter with too high of a flow rate can be stressful for the shrimp and may even cause them to be pulled into the filter intake. A good rule of thumb is to choose a filter with a flow rate that is no more than half of the size of your shrimp tank.

In addition to a good filtration system, red fancy tiger shrimp also require a well-oxygenated environment. This can be achieved by adding an air stone to the tank. An air stone will help to circulate the water and add much-needed oxygen.

Do Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Need Air Pump?

Shrimp are able to get the oxygen they need from the water. However, some shrimp keepers prefer to use an air pump to help aerate the water and provide more oxygen for the shrimp. This is especially important if the shrimp are kept in a small tank or if the water is not well-aerated.

If you decide to use an air pump, make sure to get one that is specifically designed for aquariums. Some air pumps can be too strong and create too much turbulence in the water, which can stress out the shrimp.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the aquarium

Aquarium Lighting

When it comes to aquarium lighting for red fancy tiger shrimp care, there are a few things to consider. The first is the type of lighting you need. Red fancy tiger shrimp are very sensitive to light and need low light levels to thrive. The second thing to consider is the intensity of the light. Red fancy tiger shrimp need a low light intensity to prevent them from getting stressed. The third thing to consider is the duration of the light. Red fancy tiger shrimp need a short period of light each day to prevent them from getting too much light.

The fourth thing to consider is the color of the light. Red fancy tiger shrimp are very sensitive to light and need a low light intensity to prevent them from getting stressed. The fifth thing to consider is the timing of the light. Red fancy tiger shrimp need a short period of light each day to prevent them from getting too much light.

Aquarium lighting for red fancy tiger shrimp care is very important to their health and well being. By following these simple tips, you can provide your red fancy tiger shrimp with the lighting they need to thrive.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in an aquarium

Plants and Decorations

When it comes to red fancy tiger shrimp care, plants and decorations are a great way to add some extra personality to your shrimp tank. Not only do plants and decorations provide your shrimp with a place to hide and explore, but they also help to oxygenate the water and provide a natural filtration system for your shrimp tank.

When choosing plants and decorations for your shrimp tank, be sure to select items that are safe for shrimp. Many plants and decorations sold at pet stores are not safe for shrimp and can even be toxic. A good rule of thumb is to only select plants and decorations that are sold specifically for shrimp tanks.

Some great plant and decoration options for shrimp tanks include java moss, anubias, and hornwort. These plants are all safe for shrimp and will provide your shrimp with plenty of places to hide and explore. In addition to plants, there are also a variety of decorations that are safe for shrimp tanks, such as driftwood, rocks, and shells.

What’s the Best Substrate for Red Fancy Tiger Shrimps?

When it comes to red fancy tiger shrimp, there are a few different substrates that can be used. The best substrate for them would be one that is dark in color and has a smooth surface. This way, the shrimp will be able to see their reflection and feel more comfortable in their environment. Some good substrates to use include black sand, peat moss, or dark colored gravel. Another thing to keep in mind is that the substrate should be able to hold moisture well so that the shrimp can stay hydrated.

Food & Diet

In the wild, Fancy Tiger shrimp feed on a variety of small organisms including algae, crustaceans, and insects. In the home aquarium, they can be fed a variety of live, frozen, or freeze-dried foods designed for freshwater shrimp. Algae wafers, brine shrimp, and daphnia are all good choices. It is important to offer a variety of foods to ensure that the shrimp are getting all the nutrients they need.

In addition to providing a variety of foods, it is also important to make sure that the shrimp have access to calcium. This can be provided in the form of crushed coral or cuttlebone. Both of these should be available at your local pet store.

What Can I Feed Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp?

One of the most important things to know about red fancy tiger shrimp is what to feed them. In the wild, these shrimp feed on a variety of small aquatic creatures, plant matter, and detritus. In captivity, however, they are not usually exposed to such a varied diet and so it is important to provide them with a nutrient-rich diet that will support their health.

One of the best foods you can feed your red fancy tiger shrimp is a high-quality, shrimp-specific pellet food. These pellets are specially formulated to provide all of the nutrients that shrimp need and are easily digestible. You can also supplement their diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.

If you are unsure of what to feed your red fancy tiger shrimp, or if you are having trouble getting them to eat, you can always consult with a shrimp-keeping expert or veterinarian for advice.

How Often Do Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

How often you need to feed your fancy tiger shrimp will depend on a few factors, including their size, age, and activity level. As a general rule of thumb, shrimp should be fed 2-3 times per week. However, baby shrimp or shrimp that are very active may need to be fed more frequently. It is best to start with feeding them once a day and then adjust as needed.

If you are unsure if your shrimp are getting enough to eat, look for signs of hunger, such as them picking at the substrate or eating their own feces. If you see these signs, increase the frequency of feeding. On the other hand, if you see signs of obesity, such as a rounded abdomen, you may be feeding them too much. In this case, reduce the frequency of feeding or the amount of food you are giving them.

Providing your fancy tiger shrimp with a regular, balanced diet will help them stay healthy and happy. So, don’t forget to feed them 2-3 times per week and adjust as needed.

How Long Can a RFT Shrimp Go Without Food?

If you’ve ever wondered how long your RFT shrimp can go without food, wonder no more! Here’s a breakdown of how long these little guys can go without a meal.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in an aquarium

Assuming your RFT shrimp are healthy and have no underlying health conditions, they can go without food for the following amounts of time:

  • 1-2 weeks: RFT shrimp can go for 1-2 weeks without food and still be healthy. However, their growth will be stunted during this time and they may become more susceptible to disease.
  • 3-4 weeks: RFT shrimp can go for 3-4 weeks without food, but their health will start to decline during this time. They may become more susceptible to disease and their growth will be severely stunted.
  • 5+ weeks: RFT shrimp can technically go for 5+ weeks without food, but their health will be severely compromised by this point. They will be more susceptible to disease and their growth will be severely stunted. It is not recommended to let your RFT shrimp go this long without food.

As you can see, it’s not advisable to let your RFT shrimp go without food for more than a few weeks. If you must, be sure to monitor their health closely and provide them with the best possible care.

Behavior & Temperament

One thing to keep in mind is that these shrimp are not strong swimmers. They prefer to stick close to the bottom of the tank where they can forage for food. This means that they may not do well in a tank with a lot of surface agitation or a strong current.

When it comes to their diet, red fancy tiger shrimp are omnivorous and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of algae, detritus, and leftover fish food. It’s important to provide them with a variety of foods to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

As long as you provide them with a peaceful tank mate, a variety of food, and a little bit of hiding places, your red fancy tiger shrimp will thrive and bring beauty and interest to your aquarium.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the tank

Good Tank Mates

As peaceful creatures, shrimp do best when they are not kept with fish that are known to be aggressive or nippy. Compatibility is also important, as some shrimp species require different water parameters than others. With that said, here are some good tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp care:

  1. Amano shrimp: Also known as the Yamato shrimp, Amano shrimp are peaceful and make great tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp. They are also very helpful in controlling algae growth in the aquarium.
  2. Ghost shrimp: A hardy and peaceful shrimp species, Ghost shrimp are another good choice for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp care. They are also very active, so they make a nice addition to the shrimp community in the aquarium.
  3. Bamboo shrimp: A unique and interesting shrimp species, Bamboo shrimp are peaceful and make good tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp. They are filter feeders and do not compete with other shrimp for food.
  4. Cherry shrimp: One of the most popular shrimp species, Cherry shrimp are peaceful and make excellent tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp. They are also very colorful and add a lot of visual interest to the aquarium.
  5. Vampire shrimp: A rare and unusual shrimp species, Vampire shrimp are peaceful and make good tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp. They are interesting to watch and are not aggressive towards other shrimp.

In conclusion, these are some good tank mates for Red Fancy Tiger shrimp care. When choosing shrimp for your aquarium, it is important to consider compatibility and aggression levels. With a little research, you can find the perfect shrimp species to create a thriving and beautiful aquarium community.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in the tank

Unsafe Tank Mates

As with any animal, there are certain risks associated with keeping red fancy tiger shrimp as pets. One of the most significant dangers to these shrimp is being kept with unsafe tank mates. While there are many different species of fish and invertebrates that can safely be kept with red fancy tiger shrimp, there are also some that pose a serious threat.

One of the most common unsafe tank mates for red fancy tiger shrimp is the betta fish. Bettas are a type of fish that is known for being highly territorial and aggressive. They will often attack and kill shrimp that they view as a threat or competitor. For this reason, it is best to avoid keeping bettas and red fancy tiger shrimp together.

Another common unsafe tank mate for these shrimp is the common goldfish. Like bettas, goldfish are also very territorial and aggressive. They have been known to attack and eat shrimp, particularly when they are feeling stressed or threatened. Goldfish can also introduce diseases and parasites into the tank, which can be deadly for shrimp.

Perhaps the most dangerous unsafe tank mate for red fancy tiger shrimp is the African dwarf frog. These frogs are known to be highly aggressive and have been known to kill and eat shrimp. They can also introduce diseases and parasites into the tank, which can be deadly for shrimp.

In general, it is best to avoid keeping any fish or invertebrate that is known to be aggressive or territorial with red fancy tiger shrimp. While there are many safe and compatible tank mates for these shrimp, there are also some that pose a serious threat. By taking the time to research potential tank mates before adding them to your shrimp tank, you can help ensure the safety and wellbeing of your shrimp.

Red Fancy Tiger Shrimp Breeding

If you are looking to add some beautiful shrimp to your aquarium, you might want to consider Red Fancy Tiger shrimp. These shrimp are not only stunning to look at, but they are also relatively easy to breed.

In the wild, Red Fancy Tiger shrimp are found in slow-moving streams and rivers in Southeast Asia. They prefer to live amongst plants and algae, which provide them with food and shelter. In the aquarium, these shrimp will do best in a setup with plenty of hiding places and live plants.

When it comes to breeding, Red Fancy Tiger shrimp are not too difficult. If you have a male and female shrimp, they will likely breed on their own. The female shrimp will carry the eggs for about two weeks before they hatch. Once the baby shrimp are born, they are completely independent and will start looking for food right away.

If you are interested in breeding Red Fancy Tiger shrimp, it is best to start with a group of at least 10 shrimp. This will give you the best chance of getting a few males and females, which is necessary for breeding.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp are a great addition to any aquarium. Not only are they beautiful, but they are also relatively easy to breed. If you are looking for a new and exciting shrimp to add to your tank, Red Fancy Tiger shrimp are a great option.

Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in a tank

FAQs on How to Care for RFT

How many Red Fancy Tiger shrimps can I keep in a 10-gallon tank?

You can keep up to 12 Red Fancy Tiger shrimp in a 10-gallon tank.

Can I keep in one aquarium Red and Black Fancy Tiger shrimp care?

Yes, you can keep both Fancy Tiger shrimp and Black shrimp in the same aquarium.

Closing Thoughts

If you are considering adding a fancy tiger shrimp to your aquarium, be sure to do your research first. These shrimp are not easy to care for and require a bit more work than some of the other shrimp species. But, if you are willing to put in the effort, you can have a beautiful and unique shrimp that will add a lot of interest to your aquarium.


  • Detritus (Britannica):
  • Taxiphyllum barbieri (Wikipedia):
  • Brine Shrimp (Learn Genetics):

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