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A Complete Guide to Setting Up a 75 Gallon Peacock Cichlid Tank: Aquarium Fish, Decorations, Equipment and General Care

Are you looking to discover the beauty of a 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank? If so, you are in luck. In this article, we will take a look at the different types of aquarium fish, …

Are you looking to discover the beauty of a 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank? If so, you are in luck. In this article, we will take a look at the different types of aquarium fish, decorations, equipment, and general care tips for a 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced fish keeper, this article will provide you with the information you need to create a beautiful and thriving aquarium. So, let’s get started!

Number of Peacock Cichlids in a 75 Gallon Tank

Number Of Peacock Cichlids In A 75 Gallon Tank

When stocking a 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank, it is important to be aware of the number of fish that can be safely kept. The rule of thumb used by experienced aquarists is one adult peacock cichlid per 10 gallons of water. For a 75 gallon tank, this means that a maximum of seven or eight adult peacock cichlids can be kept without overstocking the tank. It is recommended to start with fewer fish and add more as the tank matures.

Tank Size Number of Peacock Cichlids
10 Gallon 1
20 Gallon 2-3
30 Gallon 3-4
40 Gallon 4-5
50 Gallon 5-6
60 Gallon 6-7
75 Gallon 7-8
90 Gallon 8-10

It is also important to keep in mind that smaller tanks are less forgiving when it comes to stocking. In a 75 gallon tank, a slight overcrowding can be tolerated, but in a 10 gallon tank, it can be disastrous. Therefore, when stocking a smaller tank, it is best to err on the side of caution and stock fewer fish.

Number of African Cichlids in a 75 Gallon Tank

Number Of African Cichlids In A 75 Gallon Tank

A 75 gallon tank is a great size for an African Cichlid tank, and with the right care, you can have a beautiful and healthy aquarium for your fish. Before you purchase any fish, however, it is important to understand how many African Cichlids you can have in a 75 gallon tank.

  • Adult African Cichlids: Generally speaking, you can keep 1 adult African Cichlid per 5 gallons of water in the tank. Therefore, in a 75 gallon tank you can keep up to 15 adult African Cichlids.
  • Young African Cichlids: You can keep a larger number of young African Cichlids in the same tank. If you purchase young Cichlids, they can be added to the tank in much larger numbers, up to a total of 25-30 in the 75 gallon tank.
  • Mixes of Adult and Young Cichlids: You can also keep a mix of adult and young Cichlids in the same tank. However, it is important to monitor the tank carefully and make sure that the adults do not bully the younger fish. If you want to keep a mix, it is best to start with just a few adults and many young Cichlids.

Overall, how many African Cichlids you can keep in a 75 gallon tank will depend on the size and age of the fish and the size of the tank. It is best to start with a few adults and many young fish and then add more as the tank matures. With the right care and maintenance, you can create a beautiful and healthy environment for your Cichlids.

Aquarium Fish

Aquarium Fish

Cichlids are a popular choice for aquariums, and the Peacock Cichlid is no exception. These spectacular fish are native to Africa, and can grow up to 6 inches in size. A 75 gallon tank can comfortably house up to 10 Peacock Cichlids, although smaller tanks can also be suitable for a smaller number.

These fish prefer to be kept in groups, and should be provided with plenty of hiding places. Decorations such as rocks, driftwood, and live plants can help to create a natural environment and make the fish feel more secure.

Peacock Cichlids are semi-aggressive and should be kept with other fish that can tolerate their behavior. Tank mates should be of similar size, temperament, and water parameters. Good choices would include other Cichlids, or other peaceful fish such as Barbs or Danios.

The water temperature should be kept between 72-82°F, and the pH between 7.0-8.5. The water should also be well-oxygenated, and regular water changes should be performed to keep the tank clean.

A diet of high-quality pellets, flakes, and live or frozen food should be provided to give the fish the nutrients they need for good health.

Overall, Peacock Cichlids can be an interesting and rewarding addition to an aquarium. With the right care, they can thrive in a 75 gallon tank and bring a splash of colour to your home.

Peacock Cichlids

Peacock Cichlids

Peacock cichlids are a group of aquarium fish that are native to the African waters. They are a bright and colorful fish, often seen in 75 gallon African cichlid tanks. They are colorful, hardy, and make great additions to any aquarium.

Genus Size
Aulonocara 4-6 inches
Tropheus 4-8 inches
Haplochromis 5-8 inches
Melanochromis 3-4 inches

Peacock cichlids can be found in various genera, including Aulonocara, Tropheus, Haplochromis, and Melanochromis. The size of the fish varies between the genera, with Aulonocara reaching up to 6 inches, Tropheus up to 8 inches, Haplochromis up to 8 inches, and Melanochromis up to 4 inches.

When keeping Peacock cichlids in a 75 gallon African cichlid tank, it is important to provide ample space for the fish to swim and hide. These fish require plenty of room to move around, as well as plenty of hiding places. A sandy bottom is recommended for these fish, as it mimics the natural environment of their native African waters. Additionally, it is important to provide plenty of rocks and other decorations for the fish to hide in.

In terms of diet, Peacock cichlids are omnivorous and will accept a variety of foods. They should be fed a variety of live, frozen, and freeze-dried foods, as well as occasional treats such as brine shrimp and bloodworms. It is important to feed these fish in small quantities, as they can easily become overfed.

In terms of water parameters, Peacock cichlids prefer a pH of 7.5-8.5, a temperature of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit, and a hardness of 8-15 dH. It is important to keep the water clean and well-maintained, as these fish can be sensitive to ammonia and nitrate levels.

Overall, Peacock cichlids are a colorful and hardy fish that make great additions to any 75 gallon African cichlid tank. With the proper care and maintenance, these fish can thrive and bring a lot of beauty and color to an aquarium.

Other African Cichlids

Other African Cichlids


  • Electric Blue Ahli
  • Cyphotilapia frontosa
  • Mbuna


  • Metriaclima msobo
  • Labidochromis caeruleus
  • Labidochromis sp.


  • Melanochromis auratus
  • Labeotropheus trewavasae
  • Neolamprologus brichardi

African Cichlids are some of the most beautiful and interesting types of fish that you can keep in your home aquarium. Many of these fish have bright colors and interesting behaviors that can make a 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank an exciting and rewarding addition to your home. Aside from the peacock cichlid, there are a number of other African cichlids you can add to your tank, including Haps, Mbuna, and Haplochromines.

Haps are large, colorful cichlids that are native to the African rift lakes. Popular varieties include the Electric Blue Ahli, Cyphotilapia frontosa, and Mbuna. Mbuna are small, brightly colored cichlids that are native to Lake Malawi. Popular varieties include Metriaclima msobo, Labidochromis caeruleus, and Labidochromis sp. Haplochromines are small, colorful cichlids that are native to Lake Victoria. Popular varieties include Melanochromis auratus, Labeotropheus trewavasae, and Neolamprologus brichardi.

When selecting African cichlids for your 75 gallon tank, it is important to research the particular species you are interested in to determine their compatibility and care requirements. Be sure to purchase healthy, disease-free specimens and always quarantine them before introducing them to the tank. Proper care and maintenance is essential to ensure a healthy and happy tank.



  • Live Plants – Live plants make a great addition to any aquarium as they provide a natural look and can absorb nitrates, helping maintain good water quality.
  • Synthetic Decorations – Synthetic decorations such as caves, rocks, and logs can provide hiding spots for fish and create interesting habitats.
  • Gravel – Gravel is used to add color and texture to the aquarium and can help maintain good water chemistry.
  • Backgrounds – Aquarium backgrounds can be used to add visual interest and can help create the illusion of a larger tank.

Adding decorations to your 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank can help create a beautiful and natural looking environment for your fish. Decorations can also provide hiding spots for fish and create interesting habitats. Decorations can also help to maintain good water quality and chemistry.

When selecting decorations for your tank, you may want to consider live plants, synthetic decorations, gravel, and backgrounds. Live plants can provide a natural look and help absorb nitrates. Synthetic decorations like caves, rocks, and logs can provide hiding spots for fish. Gravel can be used to add color and texture to the aquarium and help maintain good water chemistry. Backgrounds can add visual interest and help create the illusion of a larger tank.



  • Aquarium Stand: A sturdy, well-built aquarium stand is essential for a 75 gallon tank. It should be able to support the weight and size of the tank, as well as any decorations or equipment you choose to include.
  • Aquarium Filter: A quality filter is a must-have for any size aquarium. It helps to keep the water clean and clear, and is essential for keeping your fish healthy.
  • Aquarium Heater: An aquarium heater is necessary to keep the water at the right temperature for the species of fish you choose to keep. Most aquarium heaters come with a thermometer so you can monitor the temperature of the water.
  • Aquarium Lights: Aquarium lights are important for creating a natural environment for the fish, as well as for the health of the plants. Aquarium lights come in a variety of sizes, wattages, and colors, so be sure to choose the correct one for your tank.
  • Aquarium Decorations: Aquarium decorations are a great way to add color and interest to your tank. You can choose from a variety of decorations, including rocks, plants, and ornaments.
  • Aquarium Test Kits: Aquarium test kits are an important part of maintaining a healthy tank. Test kits allow you to monitor the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in your tank, ensuring a safe and healthy environment for your fish.

General Care Tips

  • Water Temperature: Keeping the water temperature between 75-82°F is essential for the health of your Peacock Cichlids. A heater may be needed, especially in colder months.
  • pH Level: The pH level of the tank should be between pH 6.5-7.5. Regular water changes and testing of the water is critical to maintain the health of your fish.
  • Filtration: A filtration system is essential to keep the water clean, and should be powerful enough to process all the waste produced by your Peacock Cichlids. A good rule of thumb is to have a filtration system that can process the entire volume of the tank in an hour.
  • Feeding: Peacock Cichlids are omnivores, so they need a balanced diet with both plant-based and animal-based foods. Offer them a variety of food sources, such as freeze-dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, and sinking pellets. This will help keep them healthy and their colors vibrant.
  • Tankmates: Peacock Cichlids are peaceful fish, so it’s important to choose tankmates that are similarly peaceful. Avoid aggressive fish such as other cichlids, as they may cause stress and aggression in the tank. Instead, opt for smaller schooling fish such as tetras and rasboras.
  • Tank Cleaning: Cleaning the tank regularly is essential for the health of your fish. A partial water change of 20-30% should be done every two weeks, and the tank should be vacuumed to remove any debris and uneaten food.

With the right care, your 75 gallon Peacock Cichlid tank can be a beautiful and vibrant part of your home. With proper maintenance and a variety of food sources, your Peacock Cichlids will be happy and healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ideal Water Temperature for a 75 Gallon Peacock Cichlid Tank?

The ideal water temperature for a 75-gallon peacock cichlid tank is between 78-82°F (25.5-27.8°C). This temperature range can encourage natural behavior, ensure the health of your fish, and keep your tank’s environment stable. To maintain this temperature, you can use an aquarium heater, a fan, or a cooling system.

How often should the tank be cleaned and what is the best cleaning method?

The tank should be cleaned every 4-6 weeks, depending on the number and size of fish, and the amount of waste they produce. A good cleaning method is to remove around 10-25% of the tank water, then use a gravel vacuum to remove any debris from the substrate. If the tank is heavily overgrown with algae, the decorations can be scrubbed with a soft brush or cloth. After cleaning, the tank should be filled with dechlorinated water.

What kind of decorations are best suited for peacock cichlids?

Live plants, rocks, and driftwood are all great decorations for a peacock cichlid tank. Live plants provide hiding places, as well as look aesthetically pleasing. Rocks can be used to create caves and hiding spots. Driftwood provides a natural look and can be used to create caves, or just to add to the beauty of the tank. Ensure that all decorations are smooth and free of sharp edges to prevent injury to your fish.

What type of food and supplements are necessary to keep peacock cichlids healthy?

Peacock cichlids are omnivorous and benefit from a variety of foods. Feeding them a high quality flake or pellet food as a base diet is recommended. Supplementing with fresh vegetables, frozen foods, and live foods will help provide them with a balanced diet. Additionally, adding a vitamin supplement to their diet once a week is recommended to ensure they have all the necessary vitamins and minerals they require.

How much space do peacock cichlids need to swim and explore?

  • Tank Size: Peacock cichlids require a minimum tank size of 75 gallons for proper growth and exploration.
  • Tank Shape: A longer tank is ideal for peacock cichlids as it provides plenty of room for swimming.
  • Aquatic Plants: Planting aquarium plants and decorations in the tank also allows the cichlids to explore and hide.

Providing enough room for peacock cichlids to swim and explore is key to keeping them healthy and happy. A 75 gallon tank is the minimum size that should be provided and the longer the tank, the better. Aquarium plants and decorations are also important for providing hiding places as well as a natural environment for exploration.


A 75 gallon peacock cichlid tank is an excellent way for passionate aquarists to showcase their beautiful fish. With the right equipment, decorations and general care, your aquarium can become a showpiece in your home. With proper maintenance and the addition of compatible fish, you can create a beautiful and balanced ecosystem in your tank.


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