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Discover the Best Betta Friendly Fish for Your Aquarium: General Care, Equipment, and Decorations

Keeping betta fish in a community tank can be a rewarding experience for any fish keeper. With the right betta-friendly aquarium fish, decorations, and equipment, you can easily create an enjoyable environment for your betta …

Keeping betta fish in a community tank can be a rewarding experience for any fish keeper. With the right betta-friendly aquarium fish, decorations, and equipment, you can easily create an enjoyable environment for your betta and its tankmates. It is important to choose betta friendly fish that will get along with your betta and create a peaceful community tank. In this article, we will provide tips for choosing betta-friendly aquarium fish, decorations, and equipment to help you create the perfect home for your betta and its tankmates.

Fish Selection

Fish Selection
Knowing Your Betta
Before stocking your tank with fish, you should make sure you understand your Betta’s habits, size, and temperament. A Betta’s size and activity level will determine the size and type of tankmates that can be kept with it.

Size and Temperament of Tankmates
Choose fish that are around the same size as your Betta, or slightly larger. Avoid fish that are much larger than your Betta, as they may be perceived as a predator and cause stress to your Betta. Additionally, choose tankmates that have a similar temperament to your Betta. Fish that are overly active or aggressive may harass your Betta, leading to stress and injury.

Tankmates That Can Live with Bettas
There are many species of fish that can live peacefully with Bettas. Good tankmates for Bettas include small schools of peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, danios, and catfish. Invertebrates such as shrimp, snails, and crabs can also make good tankmates for Bettas.

Tankmates to Avoid
Avoid aggressive fish such as cichlids, goldfish, and angelfish. These fish may bully your Betta and cause stress. Additionally, avoid bottom-dwellers such as loaches, as they may compete with your Betta for food. Finally, avoid fish that require significantly different water parameters than your Betta.




Betta fish need a sandy substrate in their tank, and even a small grain of sand can injure their delicate fins. Choose a small grain size for your betta fish, and avoid sharp gravel substrates and large river rocks.


Live plants are a great addition to any aquarium, and they can provide important hiding places for your betta fish. Choose easy-care, low-light plants such as Anubias, Java Fern, and Water Wisteria. Artificial plants can also be used, but keep in mind that these may not provide the same hiding places.

Hiding Places

Hiding places are essential for betta fish in a community tank, and can help reduce stress. Driftwood, rocks, and ceramic caves are all great options for providing hiding spots. Make sure to leave plenty of open swimming space in the tank, and avoid overcrowding with too many decorations.



It is important to choose a filter that will provide adequate water flow to keep the water clean and balanced, without creating too much current that could stress out a Betta. A good filter should be rated for the size of the tank and should feature adjustable flow rates.


Aquarium lights are not essential for a Betta’s well-being, but it can help to keep the tank looking attractive. Look for an LED light that is adjustable and can be set to simulate day and night cycles.


Bettas are tropical fish, so a heater is necessary to keep the water temperature in the range of 78-80°F (26-27°C). Choose a small, adjustable heater that is rated for the size of your tank.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tips for Selecting Compatible Tank Mates for Betta Fish

  • Choose fish of a similar size: Betta fish are territorial, so select tank mates of a similar size to avoid aggression.
  • Choose fish that prefer similar water conditions: Select tank mates that prefer similar water temperature and pH levels as the betta.
  • Choose fish with similar activity levels: Select fish that are not overly active, as bettas can become stressed with too much activity.
  • Choose fish that won’t nip the betta’s fins: Avoid fish that are known fin nippers, such as tiger barbs.
  • Choose fish with compatible temperaments: Avoid aggressive fish, such as cichlids, and select peaceful fish, such as tetras, that won’t cause stress to the betta.

What Kind of Tank Decorations Should be Avoided in a Betta Tank?

Sharp decorations like plastic plants with rough edges should be avoided as they can injure the betta’s sensitive fins. Additionally, any decorations with small openings where a betta may get stuck should be avoided. Rocks, gravel, and sand can also be dangerous if they are too small as bettas can swallow them and develop digestive problems.

How often should the water in a betta tank be changed?

Weekly: The water in a betta tank should be changed at least once a week. A good rule of thumb is to change 10-25% of the water every week. This helps to keep the water clean and clear, and helps maintain the health of your fish.

Monthly: In addition to weekly water changes, it’s also important to do a deeper, more thorough water change at least once a month. This is especially important if you are keeping more than one betta fish in the tank. During the monthly water change, it’s best to change out 25-50% of the water to ensure the tank remains clean and healthy.

Gravel Cleaning: It’s also important to clean the gravel in the betta tank on a regular basis. This should be done in conjunction with the weekly and monthly water changes. To properly clean the gravel, use a siphon or gravel vacuum to remove any debris and debris-filled water. This will help keep the tank looking clean and clear.

Special Considerations:

  • Always use a dechlorinator when adding new water to the tank
  • Check the temperature of the water to make sure it’s within the proper range for betta fish
  • Check the pH level of the water to make sure it’s within the proper range for betta fish

What are some signs that my betta fish is stressed?

Betta fish can become stressed in a variety of situations, and it is important to recognize the signs. These include rapid breathing and gill flaring, darting or hiding, loss of appetite, and a lack of energy or activity. If you observe any of these signs, it is important to act quickly to address the source of stress.

How can I create a betta-friendly environment in my tank?

To create a betta-friendly environment in your tank, start by selecting tankmates carefully. Avoid fish with long fins or aggressive temperaments that may stress or harm your betta. Choose tank decorations that provide plenty of places for your betta to hide and explore, such as plants, sunken logs, and rocks. Make sure the tank is large enough to give your betta room to swim and explore. Finally, make sure the water is clean and well-oxygenated with a filter system.


Betta fish can be kept in a community tank as long as the tankmates are chosen carefully and the tank is properly maintained. By selecting only fish that can live peacefully with bettas, using decorations and equipment designed to suit their needs, and avoiding overcrowding, it is possible to create a community tank that is safe and comfortable for betta fish and their tankmates.


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