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Red Cherry Shrimp Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition, and Create a Healthy Environment

Red Cherry Shrimp are one of the most popular dwarf shrimp in the aquarium hobby. They are easy to care for, breed readily in captivity, and are very attractive with their bright red coloration. Red …

Red cherry shrimp in a tank

Red Cherry Shrimp are one of the most popular dwarf shrimp in the aquarium hobby. They are easy to care for, breed readily in captivity, and are very attractive with their bright red coloration.

Red Cherry Shrimp are native to Taiwan and were first introduced to the aquarium hobby in the early 2000s. They quickly became one of the most popular shrimp species due to their easy care requirements and their striking red coloration.

Red Cherry Shrimp are one of the easiest shrimp species to care for. They are very tolerant of a wide range of water parameters and do not require any special care. They are also very easy to breed in captivity, and their fry (baby shrimp) is very easy to raise.

Red Cherry Shrimp are very popular as both aquarium pets and as feeder shrimp for larger fish. They are peaceful and do not bother other tankmates. They are also very easy to find in the aquarium trade.

If you are looking for a colorful and easy-to-care-for shrimp species, Red Cherry Shrimp is a great choice!

Are Cherry Shrimp Easy to Keep?
Cherry shrimp are a type of freshwater shrimp that is popular in aquariums. Cherry shrimp are easy to care for and are a good choice for beginners. They are not demanding and can live in a variety of conditions. Cherry shrimp are also relatively cheap and can be found at most pet stores.

Species Summary

Scientific name:Neocaridina davidi
Common names:Cherry shrimp, red cherry shrimp, cherry red shrimp, fire cherry shrimp, fire shrimp
Size:1.5 inches
Life expectancy:1–2 years
Color:Various shades of red
Minimum tank size:10 gallons
Temperature:65–85 °F (23–29 °C)
Hardness:4.0–14.0 dGH
Care level:Easy

Where do They Come From?

Cherry shrimp are a beautiful and popular addition to many aquariums. These little shrimp are easy to care for and are great for beginner shrimp keepers. But where do these shrimp come from? Let’s take a look at the history of the appearance and where red cherry shrimp come from.

Red cherry shrimp are native to Taiwan. In the wild, these shrimp can be found in slow-moving streams and rivers with plenty of vegetation. The shrimp are a brownish-red color with white spots. These shrimp are also known as bee shrimp, red fire shrimp, or red crystal shrimp.

The first red cherry shrimp were imported to the United States in the early 2000s. These shrimp quickly became popular in the aquarium trade. In 2004, a company in Florida began mass-producing red cherry shrimp for the pet industry.

How Long do Red Cherry Shrimp Live for?

In the aquarium, red cherry shrimp can live for 1 to 2 years, although some shrimp keepers have reported that their shrimp have lived for 3 years or more. The key to keeping red cherry shrimp healthy and long-lived is to provide them with a good diet and a clean, well-maintained aquarium.

Red cherry shrimp swimming

How Big do Red Cherry Shrimp Grow?

Cherry shrimp are small, only growing to a maximum length of about 1.5 inches (4 cm). Females are typically larger than males and have a more rounded abdomen. Males have a narrower abdomen and longer first pair of legs, which they use to clasp onto females during mating.

Cherry Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

The body of the red cherry shrimp is translucent with a reddish hue. The undersides of the shrimp are a bit lighter in color. The shrimp have 10 pairs of legs. The first pair of legs are larger and end in claws. The other pairs of legs are progressively smaller. The shrimp have 2 pairs of antennae.

The red cherry shrimp are filter feeders and eat a variety of small food particles. In the wild, they eat algae, detritus, and small insects. In captivity, they will eat most types of aquarium fish food, including flakes, pellets, and algae wafers.

Red cherry shrimp are easy to breed in captivity. The female shrimp carry their eggs under their tails. The eggs hatch in about 2 weeks. The baby shrimp are called “fry” and are very small, about 1/8 of an inch long. The fry is very vulnerable to predators, so they need to be kept in a separate tank until they are large enough to defend itself.

There are many different varieties of cherry shrimp available, each with its own unique color pattern. The most common variety is the red cherry shrimp, but there are also yellow, orange, and even blue varieties. Some breeders have even developed “designer” shrimp with multiple colors on their bodies.

Exoskeleton: Cherry Shrimp Molting

As invertebrates, shrimp do not have a traditional skeleton on the inside of their bodies like humans. Instead, they have an exoskeleton on the outside of their bodies that provides both support and protection. The exoskeleton of a cherry shrimp is composed of a series of plates that are joined together by a flexible yet strong material called chitin.

The exoskeleton of a cherry shrimp not only provides support and protection but also helps the shrimp to regulate its body temperature and to move through the water. The exoskeleton is covered with tiny hairs that help the shrimp to sense its surroundings and to move in a coordinated way.

The exoskeleton of a cherry shrimp is a complex and essential part of the shrimp’s anatomy that helps it to survive in its aquatic environment.

Red cherry shrimp swimming

What is Molting?

As the shrimp grows, its exoskeleton must periodically be shed and replaced with a new one. This process, called molting, allows the shrimp to continue to grow and develop. During molting, the shrimp’s body swells and breaks through its old exoskeleton. A new, larger exoskeleton then forms around the shrimp’s body.

What Happens When Shrimp Molt?

As shrimp grow, they molt their exoskeleton (outer shell). A molting shrimp becomes very vulnerable because its new shell is not yet hard. Predators can smell molting shrimp from a great distance and often attack them. To avoid being eaten, molting shrimp bury themselves in the sand and hope that their new shell will harden before a predator finds them.

Cherry shrimp molt about once every 4-6 weeks. The molting process takes about 24-48 hours. The shrimp’s body swells up as it absorbs water to help it expand its new shell. Once the new shell is fully formed, the shrimp emerges from the old one.

After the Molt

After molting, shrimp will eat their old exoskeleton to replenish lost nutrients. They will also consume algae and other plant matter to help them grow their new exoskeleton.

Can There be Problems with Molting?

Molting is a natural process for shrimp and is necessary for growth. However, too much molting can be a problem. Excess molting can stress the shrimp, and can lead to problems such as shell deformities, loss of color, and even death.

Red cherry shrimp swimming

What Causes Molting Problems?

There are a few possible causes of excess molting in cherry molting shrimp. One is poor water quality. Shrimp are very sensitive to water parameters, and even small changes can cause stress. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are all particularly harmful to shrimp, and can cause excess molting.

Another possible cause of excess molting is a lack of food. Shrimp need a high-quality diet rich in nutrients, and a lack of food can cause stress and lead to excess molting.

Finally, some aquarists believe that cherry molting shrimp molt more often when kept with fish that have a high-protein diet. This is because the shrimp are trying to compete with the fish for food, and the extra protein causes them to molt more frequently.

If you are having problems with your cherry molting shrimp molting too much, the first thing you should do is check your water quality. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates should all be at zero. If they are not, do a water change and/or add a quality filter to your tank.

Next, check your shrimp’s diet. They should be getting a high-quality diet rich in nutrients. If they are not, try switching to better food or supplementing their diet with vitamins and minerals.

Finally, if you suspect that competition for food is causing your shrimp to molt too much, you can try feeding them separately from your fish. This can be done by feeding them in a different part of the tank, or by using a shrimp-specific food.

How Much do Red Cherry Shrimp Cost?

Ordinary Red Cherry Shrimp:$3
Sakura:$3 – $3.5
Higher Grade Sakura:$3 – $4
Red Fire:$3.5 – $6
Painted Fire Red:$5 – $8
Bloody Mary:$7
Kanoko:$8 – $9

Red Cherry Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

You can learn more about the care of cherry shrimp below. You can also watch the video:

The Best Aquarium Size for Red Cherry Shrimp

When it comes to finding the best aquarium size for red aquarium shrimp, there are a few things to consider. For one, these shrimp are very small, so they will need a smaller tank than most other fish. They also prefer to live in groups, so you will need to make sure your tank is big enough to accommodate a few of them.

The best aquarium size for red cherry shrimp is a 10-gallon tank. This will give them enough room to move around and stay active, but it won’t be so big that they feel lost. You should also make sure that there are plenty of hiding places for them to feel safe, such as rocks or plants.

If you are planning on keeping more than a few red cherry shrimp, you may need to upgrade to a larger tank. However, as long as you provide them with the proper environment, they will thrive in a 10-gallon tank.

What Water is Best?

When it comes to keeping red cherry shrimp, the most important thing to consider is the water quality. These shrimp are very sensitive to water conditions and even the slightest change can cause them stress. For this reason, it is important to use only the best water for red cherry shrimp.

It is important to avoid using tap water, as it can contain chlorine and other chemicals that can be harmful to shrimp. If you must use tap water, be sure to let it sit for 24 hours to allow the chemicals to dissipate.

Another option is to use distilled water, which can be found at most grocery stores. This water is free of impurities and is ideal for shrimp.

No matter what type of water you use, be sure to regularly test it to ensure that it is within the ideal range for red cherry shrimp. These shrimp are delicate creatures and require the best possible conditions to thrive.

Red cherry shrimp swim

Tank Water Temperature

The ideal temperature for red freshwater shrimp is between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures, but this is the temperature range that will bring out their best coloration. If the temperature is too low, the shrimp will be less active and their color will be less intense. If the temperature is too high, the shrimp will be more active but their color will fade.

Cherry shrimp are very sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature. They should only be added to an established aquarium that has been cycled and is stable. A sudden change in water conditions can cause the shrimp to go into shock and die.

When setting up a new aquarium for cherry shrimp, it is best to slowly acclimate them to their new environment. Start by floating the bag they came in on the surface of the tank for 15 minutes. Then open the bag and let a small amount of water from the aquarium into the bag. Wait another 15 minutes and then release the shrimp into the aquarium.

Aquarium pH

Aquarium pH is a measure of the acidity or basicity of water in an aquarium. The pH of an aquarium can be measured with a pH test kit. The ideal pH for an aquarium is between 6.5 and 8.

Aquarium pH is important for the health of red cherry shrimp. Red cherry shrimp are sensitive to changes in pH and can be stressed by a pH that is too high or too low. A stressed shrimp is more likely to be sick and may not live as long as a shrimp that is not stressed.

Red cherry shrimp swim


When it comes to choosing the right filter for your red cherry shrimp tank, there are a few things you need to take into account.

The first is the size of your tank. A smaller tank will require a smaller filter, while a larger tank can accommodate a larger filter.

The second is the type of filtration you want. There are two main types of filtration: mechanical and biological.

Mechanical filtration traps particles of debris in the water, which is then removed by the filter. Biological filtration uses beneficial bacteria to convert ammonia and nitrites into harmless nitrates. Both types of filtration are important for the health of your shrimp.

The third thing to consider is the flow rate of the filter. A higher flow rate will mean that the water is moving more quickly through the filter, which can be good for keeping the water clean but can also be too much for your shrimp. A lower flow rate will mean that the water is moving more slowly, which can be good for your shrimp but can also lead to the build-up of debris in the tank.

Once you’ve decided on the size, type, and flow rate of the filter, you can choose from a wide variety of brands and models. There are filters designed specifically for shrimp tanks, so these are a good place to start your search.

Do Cherry Shrimp Need Air Pump?

One of the most common questions new shrimp keepers have is whether or not they need an air pump. The answer is no, cherry shrimp do not need an air pump. In fact, most shrimp do not need an air pump. The only time an air pump would be needed is if you have a very large shrimp tank or if you are keeping shrimp in a brackish water setup.

Aquarium Lighting

For the red cherry shrimp to thrive in an aquarium, the lighting must be just right. Too much light and the shrimp will be stressed; too little light and the shrimp will not be able to photosynthesize properly. The best way to determine the correct amount of light for your shrimp is to experiment until you find what works best for your particular setup.

As a general rule, red cherry shrimp do best in an aquarium with low to moderate lighting. A good rule of thumb is to provide 2-3 watts of light per gallon of water. If you are using a fluorescent bulb, it should be in the 6000-7000K range.

If you are keeping your shrimp in a planted aquarium, you will need to provide a bit more light, as plants need light to grow. In this case, aim for 3-4 watts per gallon. Be sure to pay attention to your plants, though, as too much light can cause them to become stressed and die.

As with all things in an aquarium, it is important to keep an eye on your shrimp and make sure they are happy and healthy. If you notice any strange behavior or changes in appearance, it is a good idea to consult a knowledgeable aquarium hobbyist or veterinarian to rule out any potential problems.

Red cherry shrimp swim

Plants and Decorations

When it comes to plants and decorations for cherry freshwater shrimp, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, these shrimp are very small, so any plants or decorations should be proportionate to their size. Second, cherry shrimp are very active and love to explore, so it’s important to provide plenty of hiding places and swim-throughs for them to enjoy. Here are a few plants and decorations that are perfect for a red cherry shrimp tank:

  • Java Moss: This is a great plant for cherry shrimp because it grows very slowly, so the shrimp won’t be constantly out-competing it for food. Plus, the moss provides plenty of hiding places for the shrimp to feel safe and secure.
  • Anubias Nana: Another slow-growing plant, Anubias Nana is perfect for cherry shrimp tanks. It has thick, leathery leaves that the shrimp love to hide under, and its roots provide a great place for the shrimp to graze on algae.
  • Cryptocoryne Wendtii: This plant is perfect for cherry shrimp tanks because it grows very slowly and has very tough leaves. The shrimp love to hide in the Cryptocoryne Wendtii’s leaves, and the plant also provides a great place for the shrimp to graze on algae.
  • Malaysian Driftwood: Driftwood is a great addition to any shrimp tank, but it’s especially good for cherry shrimp tanks. The wood provides plenty of hiding places for the shrimp, and it also helps to create a more naturalistic look in the tank.
  • Coconut Husks: Coconut husks make great hiding places for cherry shrimp, and they also help to keep the water clean and clear. Simply place a few coconut husks in the bottom of the tank and the shrimp will do the rest!

These are just a few of the many plants and decorations that are perfect for red cherry shrimp tanks. With a little bit of planning, you can create a beautiful and shrimp-friendly aquarium that your shrimp will love.

What’s the Best Substrate for Red Cherry Shrimps?

There are a variety of substrates that can be used for red cherry shrimp, but some are better than others.

One of the best substrates for red cherry shrimp is eco-complete. This substrate is made up of a variety of minerals and nutrients that red cherry shrimp need in order to thrive. It also has a neutral pH, which is ideal for these shrimp.

Another great substrate for red cherry shrimp is aquarium sand. This substrate is also rich in minerals and nutrients that shrimp need, and it has a slightly acidic pH, which is beneficial for these shrimp.

Red cherry shrimp floating

Food & Diet

For proper growth and maintenance of cherry shrimp, it is important to feed them a balanced diet. You will learn more about this below.

What Can I Feed Cherry Shrimp?

One of the best things about cherry shrimp is that they are very easy to feed. There are a number of different foods that they will eat and they are not picky eaters.

One of the best things to feed cherry shrimp is algae. Algae is a type of plant that grows in water. It is very nutritious for shrimp and they love to eat it.

You can also feed cherry shrimp other types of vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, and cucumbers. You can also give them fruits such as apples and bananas.

Cherry shrimp are also known to eat fish food. This is a type of food that is made specifically for fish. It is very nutritious and packed with all of the nutrients that shrimp need.

When feeding cherry shrimp, it is important to give them a variety of different foods. This will ensure that they are getting all of the nutrients they need and that they stay healthy.

Red cherry shrimp floating

How Often Do Red Cherry Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

It is a common misconception that red cherry shrimp need to be fed constantly in order to stay healthy and vibrant. The truth is, these little creatures are actually quite proficient at scavenging for food and only need to be fed once or twice a week. An easy way to determine how much to feed your red cherry shrimp is by looking at their stomachs; if they appear full, then they have had enough to eat.

If you are ever in doubt about whether or not your red cherry shrimp are getting enough to eat, simply observe their behavior. Healthy shrimp will be active and have a bright coloring, whereas shrimp that are not getting enough food will appear lethargic and their color will start to fade.

How Long Can a Red Cherry Shrimp Go Without Food?

It is a common misconception that red cherry shrimp can live for extended periods of time without food. In reality, these creatures need to eat on a regular basis in order to survive. If food is scarce, red cherry shrimp will begin to starve and eventually die.

How long a red cherry shrimp can go without food depends on a number of factors, such as the temperature of their environment and the availability of other food sources. In general, however, it is safe to say that these shrimp will not survive for more than a couple of weeks without food.

Watch the Following Video on Cherry Shrimp Care Guide

Behavior & Temperament

Red cherry shrimp are a peaceful species that will not bother other tank inhabitants. They are a great choice for a tank with smaller fish or fish that are prone to be bullied. However, they should not be kept with larger, more aggressive fish.

Good Tank Mates

When keeping red cherry shrimp, it is important to have good neighbors. Some fish are good tank mates for red cherry shrimp, while others are not. Here are a list of several tank mates:

  • Dwarf Gouramis
  • Small Tetras
  • Catfish
  • Small Plecos
  • Freshwater snails (such as Mystery Snails, Ivory Snails, Nerite Snails, and Malaysian Trumpet snails)
  • Other shrimp (such as Ghost Shrimp, Vampire Shrimp, and Amano Shrimp)

Red Cherry Shrimp Breeding

Breeding red cherry shrimp is relatively easy and can be done in a home aquarium. They are not picky about water conditions and will breed in a wide range of temperatures.

To induce breeding, it is best to raise the water temperature to around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be done by using an aquarium heater or by placing the aquarium in a warm room.

It is also important to provide plenty of hiding places for the shrimp. This can be done by adding live plants, rocks, and driftwood to the aquarium.

Once the shrimp are ready to breed, the female will release her eggs into the water column. The male will then fertilize the eggs.

The eggs will hatch in 1-2 weeks and the fry will be free-swimming. They can be fed baby brine shrimp or other small live foods.

Red cherry shrimp floats

FAQs on How to Care for Red Cherry Shrimp

Are Cherry Shrimp right for You?

Cherry shrimp are a great choice for a beginner shrimp keeper. They are hardy and easy to care for, and they are not as sensitive to changes in water conditions as some other types of shrimp. Cherry shrimp also tend to be quite colorful, which can make them a popular choice for an aquarium display.

How many Cherry Shrimp should be kept together?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the size of the tank, the size of the shrimp, and the other occupants of the tank. A good general rule of thumb is to keep at least 5-10 shrimp together.

Do Cherry Shrimp clean the tank?

Yes, cherry shrimp are excellent tank cleaners. They are known to eat algae, detritus, and uneaten food.

Do Cherry Shrimp eat algae?

Cherry shrimp will consume algae as a part of their diet, but they are not specialized algae eaters like some other types of shrimp.

Will Guppies eat Cherry Shrimp?

Guppies are generally not known to eat cherry shrimp, but there have been reports of them doing so. If you have cherry shrimp and guppies together in an aquarium, it is advisable to keep a close eye on the shrimp population, as it is possible for the guppies to start snacking on them.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, cherry shrimp are a popular type of freshwater shrimp that are native to Taiwan. They get their name from their bright red coloration, which is a result of their diet. Cherry shrimp are easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

As with all aquarium inhabitants, it is important to do your research before purchasing cherry shrimp. This will help you to know what to expect in terms of cherry shrimp care and what type of habitat they need to thrive.


  • Detritus (Britannica): https://www.britannica.com/science/detritus
  • Chitin (Biology Dictionary): https://biologydictionary.net/chitin/
  • How to Test pH in a Fish Tank (WikiHow): https://www.wikihow.com/Test-pH-in-a-Fish-Tank

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