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Find Out the Best Tankmates for Your Red Tail Shark in Your Aquarium!

When it comes to finding the perfect red tail shark tankmates for your aquarium, you want to ensure you select compatible fish that will not only coexist peacefully but also provide a visually stunning display. …

When it comes to finding the perfect red tail shark tankmates for your aquarium, you want to ensure you select compatible fish that will not only coexist peacefully but also provide a visually stunning display. Red tail sharks are an active species that require a larger tank with plenty of swimming space, so it is important to research the best tankmates for your particular setup. This article will explore the best red tail shark tankmates and provide tips for a successful and harmonious aquarium.

What is a Red Tail Shark?

What Is A Red Tail Shark?

A Red Tail Shark is an aggressive freshwater fish species that is native to Thailand. It is a member of the Cyprinidae family and is known for its bright red tail fin. The Red Tail Shark is a bottom-dwelling fish and prefers to live in a school. It can grow up to six inches in length.

The Red Tail Shark is an omnivore and should be fed a varied diet including live, frozen and freeze-dried foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. It is important to remember that the Red Tail Shark is an aggressive species and should not be kept with fish that are smaller than it or have similar body shape.

Characteristic Description
Scientific Name Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
Family Cyprinidae
Aggression High
Max Size 6”
Diet Omnivore

Are Red Tail Sharks Aggressive?

Are Red Tail Sharks Aggressive?
Red Tail Sharks (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) are a semi-aggressive freshwater fish, and they should be kept with tankmates of similar size. Despite their aggressive nature, they can be kept with other fish when the tank is large enough, and their tankmates are chosen carefully.

Things to consider while choosing tankmates for a Red Tail Shark:

  • Choose tankmates of similar size.
  • Avoid slow-moving or long-finned fish, as these can be easily nipped at.
  • Choose active and fast-moving tankmates, such as Danios, Barbs, and Loaches.
  • Red Tail Sharks are territorial, so it is best to keep them in small groups of 4-6 individuals.
  • Avoid fish with similar color patterns, as Red Tail Sharks may become territorial.
  • Avoid keeping Red Tail Sharks with aggressive fish, such as Oscars and Cichlids.

Red Tail Sharks are semi-aggressive and should be kept with compatible tankmates. With the right tankmates and a large enough tank, Red Tail Sharks can be an interesting and active addition to any aquarium.

Compatibility with Other Fish

Compatibility With Other Fish

Tankmates for Red Tail Sharks

Red Tail Sharks are generally peaceful and can be kept in a community tank with other non-aggressive fish. Suitable tankmates include Danios, Mollies, Barbs, Gouramis, Plecos and similar species. Make sure to introduce new tankmates slowly, as the Red Tail Shark may become aggressive if it feels threatened.

Other Fish to Avoid

Avoid keeping Red Tail Sharks with aggressive species such as Cichlids, Betta Fish and other territorial fish. Red Tail Sharks are not fast swimmers and will not be able to compete for food or territory. Smaller fish should also be avoided, as they may be seen as potential prey.

Compatibility With Other Sharks

Compatibility With Other Sharks
Red tail sharks are generally considered to be solitary fish, but they can live with other compatible tankmates in a large aquarium. When selecting tankmates for a red tail shark, it is important to make sure that the other fish are not aggressive or territorial, as this can cause the shark to become stressed or even attacked. Additionally, it is important to select tankmates of a similar size, as larger fish can bully and intimidate the red tail shark.

When selecting tankmates for a red tail shark, it is important to choose fish that live in similar water conditions and that have the same diet. Good tankmates for a red tail shark include cichlids, barbs, loaches, and other species of sharks. It is important to research each species to ensure that they are compatible with the red tail shark before adding them to the tank.

It is also important to select tankmates that have the same or similar swimming habits as the red tail shark. Red tail sharks prefer to stay around the middle of the aquarium and usually prefer to swim in open spaces. Fish that prefer to swim near the top or bottom of the aquarium should be avoided, as they may cause the red tail shark to become stressed.

When adding new fish to the tank, it is important to add the red tail shark last. This will give the other fish a chance to establish their territories before the shark is introduced. It is also important to keep a close eye on the tank for the first few weeks after introducing new tankmates, as this will help to ensure that the shark is not being bullied or harassed.

Tank Setup for Red Tail Sharks

Tank Setup For Red Tail Sharks

  • Tank Size: Red tail sharks need a minimum of 75 gallons of tank space.
  • Lighting: Provide bright lights to replicate their natural environment.
  • Filtration: Red tail sharks prefer a strong filtration system. An aquarium filter with a water flow rate of at least 400 gallons per hour is recommended.
  • Temperature: Red tail sharks should be kept at a temperature between 74-86°F. It is best to use an aquarium heater to maintain the temperature.
  • Substrate: For the substrate, use gravel or sand. Smooth rocks and driftwood can be added for decoration.
  • Plants: Plants are a great addition to any aquarium, but keep in mind that red tail sharks are known to dig and rearrange the substrate. It is best to use hardy plants like Java ferns and Anubias.
  • Decorations: Red tail sharks love to explore and hide in their environment. Use rocks, driftwood, and other decorations to create hiding spots and help them feel secure.

Feeding Red Tail Sharks

Red tail sharks are a type of freshwater fish and they require a balanced diet to stay healthy. They should be fed a variety of foods such as frozen bloodworms, shrimp, flakes, and pellets. The food should be fed in small amounts, 2 to 3 times per day, and it should be given in amounts that can be eaten within a few minutes. It is important not to overfeed them as this can lead to health issues.

It is important to vary the diet of red tail sharks as this will ensure that they get all the necessary nutrients. Live foods such as brine shrimp and crickets should also be given occasionally. The diet of red tail sharks should also be supplemented with vegetables, such as peas, spinach, and zucchini.

It is also important to remember to remove any uneaten food from the tank as this can lead to water quality issues.

Overall, it is important to provide a varied diet for red tail sharks to ensure that they remain healthy and active.

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of tank is best for a red tail shark?

Red tail sharks require a minimum tank size of 30-gallons, with a length of at least 48 inches. They prefer a sandy substrate and plenty of hiding places such as rocks, driftwood, and plants. They also require a well-oxygenated and cycled tank, with a stable temperature of 74-81°F (23-27°C). A high-quality filtration system is necessary to keep the water in optimal condition.

How many tankmates can a red tail shark have in the same tank?

Red tail sharks are territorial and aggressive, so it’s important to keep them with the right tankmates. While it’s possible to add other fish to the same tank, it’s best to keep the number of tankmates to a minimum. A single red tail shark can typically be kept with two to three compatible tankmates. Choose tankmates that are similarly sized and that won’t compete for the same food or space. Avoid aggressive species and those that require different water parameters.

What types of fish are compatible with a red tail shark?

Red tail sharks are a popular and hardy species of freshwater fish, often kept in home aquariums. When considering what types of fish to keep in the same tank as a red tail shark, it is important to take into account the size and temperament of the species.

  • Gouramis – These fish are relatively peaceful and come in a variety of sizes and colors, making them a great choice for a tankmate of a red tail shark.
  • Barbs – Barbs are typically peaceful and active fish, and they come in a variety of colors. They are fast swimmers, so they can outrun the red tail shark if necessary.
  • Danios – Danios are another fast-swimming species, and they are also peaceful and active. They require a well-planted tank, so they make a great addition to a red tail shark tank.
  • Rasboras – These small, schooling fish are peaceful, active, and colorful, making them great tankmates for a red tail shark.
  • Loaches – Loaches are peaceful fish that come in a variety of colors and sizes. They are bottom dwellers, so they make a great addition to a red tail shark tank.
  • Corydoras Catfish – These small, bottom-dwelling fish are peaceful and active, making them a good choice for a red tail shark tankmate.

In general, it is important to choose tankmates that are the same size or larger than the red tail shark, as they can be aggressive and territorial with smaller fish. It is also important to make sure the tank is well-planted and that the water parameters are suitable for all of the fish.

How Should I Introduce the Red Tail Shark and Its Tankmates?

  • Choose the Right Tankmates: When selecting tankmates for the red tail shark, carefully research the fish’s size, temperament, and diet to ensure they are compatible with one another.
  • Create a Proper Environment: Make sure the tank is large enough to accommodate all the fish, with plenty of swimming space and hiding areas. Provide plenty of plants, rocks, and driftwood to simulate the natural environment of the red tail shark.
  • Introduce the Fish Gradually: Slowly add the tankmates to the aquarium, one at a time. This will help the red tail shark become accustomed to its new environment without becoming overly stressed.
  • Monitor the Fish: Once the fish are all in the tank, keep a close eye on them. Make sure they all seem to be getting along and that none of the fish are showing any signs of aggression.

What kind of environment should I create for the red tail shark and its tankmates?

To ensure your red tail shark and its tankmates are healthy and happy, create a tank environment with plenty of space and natural materials. Include plenty of hiding places, caves, and rocks to provide shelter and security. Use hardy, low-maintenance plants to provide plenty of oxygen. Maintain a consistent water temperature between 75°F and 81°F, and ensure the water is regularly filtered and aerated. Avoid overcrowding and ensure you introduce compatible species to your tank.


Red Tail Sharks can make great tankmates for any aquarium, provided their habitat and tankmates are carefully chosen. Before adding a Red Tail Shark to your tank, be sure to research and consider the size of the tank, the size of the other tankmates, and the water parameters. A properly set-up tank with the right tankmates can guarantee a healthy, happy Red Tail Shark in your aquarium.


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