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Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis var. “Crystal Red Bee Shrimp”) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

Crystal red shrimp, also known as CRS, are a type of freshwater shrimp that originates from China. These shrimp are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique coloration and hardiness. CRS are relatively easy …

Crystal Red shrimp in the aquarium

Crystal red shrimp, also known as CRS, are a type of freshwater shrimp that originates from China. These shrimp are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their unique coloration and hardiness.

CRS are relatively easy to care for, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, they are sensitive to water quality and prefer a well-established aquarium with stable water parameters. Secondly, they are not the most social creatures and do their best in a tank with other CRS or similar-sized shrimp.

While they are not overly active, CRS do enjoy grazing on algae and other plant matter. A good diet for them includes a variety of both fresh and frozen foods.

Overall, Crystal red shrimp make a great addition to any freshwater shrimp tank. They are beautiful to look at and relatively easy to care for, as long as their water quality needs are met.

Are Crystal Red Shrimp Hard to Keep?
Crystal red shrimp are very sensitive to water quality and parameters, and even small changes can cause them stress. They are also very delicate, and can easily be injured or killed by other fish in the aquarium. For these reasons, it is important to do your research before adding crystal red shrimp to your tank.

Crystal Red Shrimp Key Care Stats

KH Carbonate Hardness:0–10
GH General Hardness:4–14
Temperature:64–78 °F

Species Summary

Care level:Intermediate
Color form:Red and white
Lifespan:1.5–2 years
Size:1.2–2 inches
Minimum tank size:10 gallons
Tank set-up:Freshwater with plants and caves
Compatibility:Species tank or peaceful community

Where do They Come From?

The Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) is a freshwater shrimp that originates from the Pearl River in Taiwan. It is a popular aquarium shrimp and is also kept by shrimp farmers.

Crystal Red shrimp was first imported into the United States in the early 2000s. It quickly became a popular addition to freshwater aquariums because of its striking red coloration. The shrimp is also easy to care for and breed, making it a popular choice for shrimp farmers.

The Crystal Red shrimp is believed to have been created through years of selective breeding. It is a hybrid of two other shrimp species, the Bee shrimp (Caridina breviata) and the Red Cherry shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis).

How Long do Crystal Red Bee Shrimp Live for?

Crystal red bee shrimp have a lifespan of about 2 years in captivity. However, their lifespan can be shorter if they are kept in poor water conditions or if they are not well-fed. In the wild, it is likely that they live shorter lives due to predation and other environmental factors.

How Big do Crystal Red Shrimp Grow?

Crystal red shrimp are not only popular for their beautiful color, but also for their size. These shrimp can grow up to 2 inches in length, which is significantly larger than most other types of freshwater shrimp.

Crystal Red shrimp in an aquarium

Red Bee Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

One of the most striking features of the Crystal Red Bee Shrimp is its bright red coloration. This shrimp is also covered in small, white spots, which give it a very distinctive appearance.

The Red Bee Shrimp is a relatively small shrimp. It has a long, slender body with a pair of long antennae. Its legs are also long and slender, and it has a long, whip-like tail.

Crystal Red Shrimp

Crystal red shrimp are small, only growing to about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. They have translucent bodies with red stripes running along their sides. Their legs are also striped red and they have two pairs of antennae.

Crystal Black Shrimp

Crystal black shrimp get their name from their deep black coloration. Their bodies are translucent, making their internal organs visible. They have long, slender antennae and legs. Their tails are long and curved, and they have two pairs of claws.

Male and Female Difference

One of the most notable differences between male and female Crystal Red Shrimp is their size. Females are typically much larger than males, often reaching twice the size. This is due to the fact that females must carry the eggs until they hatch.

Another difference between the sexes is their coloration. Females are typically a deeper red than males, while males often have more white on their bodies.

Finally, males and females have different reproductive organs. Males have a pair of testes that produce sperm, while females have ovaries that produce eggs.

Crystal Red shrimp in an aquarium

How Much do Crystal Red Shrimp Cost?

Crystal Red Shrimp are not the easiest shrimp to keep, and their high price reflects that. A single Crystal Red Shrimp can cost anywhere from $10 to $50, depending on the size and quality. If you are looking to add some Crystal Red Shrimp to your aquarium, be prepared to spend a bit of money.

Crystal Red Bee Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

Below you will find a complete overview of the care and keeping of crystal red shrimp.

The Best Aquarium Size for Crystal Red Shrimps

Crystal red shrimp is a relatively small shrimp, only growing to about 1-2 inches in size. Because of their small size, they do not require a large aquarium. A 10-gallon aquarium is typically sufficient for a small group of crystal red shrimp.

However, if you are planning on keeping a larger number of shrimp, or if you want to keep other fish in the same aquarium, you will need a larger aquarium. A 20-gallon aquarium would be a good size for a group of 10-20 crystal red shrimp.

Water Parameters

Crystal Red Shrimp is a species of freshwater aquarium shrimp native to China. In the wild, they inhabit slow-moving streams and rivers with a sandy substrate and plenty of vegetation.

As with all shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp are very sensitive to changes in water parameters. They require a well-established aquarium with stable water quality in order to thrive.

Crystal Red Shrimp prefer soft, acidic water with a pH between 6.4 and 7.6. They also require a low level of dissolved minerals or hardness. A general guideline is to maintain a hardness of 4-14 dGH.

Crystal Red shrimp in the tank

Crystal Red Shrimp are very sensitive to changes in water temperature. They prefer a temperature range of 64-78 degrees Fahrenheit. A sudden drop or rise in temperature can cause stress and even death in Crystal Red Shrimp.

It is important to maintain a high level of dissolved oxygen in the aquarium. Crystal Red Shrimp are very active and need a lot of oxygen to breathe. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a dissolved oxygen level of at least 6 ppm.

Crystal Red Shrimp are also sensitive to ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. These chemicals can build up in the aquarium over time and cause stress or even death in Crystal Red Shrimp. It is important to perform regular water changes to remove these chemicals from the water and maintain a healthy environment for your shrimp.


One of the most important things to consider when keeping crystal red shrimp is filtration. As a result, it is important to have a good filtration system in place to keep the water quality stable.

There are many different types of filtration systems available on the market, so it is important to do some research to find one that will work well for your shrimp. Some popular options include canister filters, hang-on-back filters, and sponge filters.

No matter what type of filtration system you choose, be sure to keep an eye on the water quality and make sure that the shrimp are not under any stress.

Crystal Red shrimp in the tank

Do Crystal Shrimp Need Air Pump?

While crystal shrimp do not necessarily need an air pump, it is recommended. An air pump will help keep the water circulating and aerated, which is important for the health of your shrimp. Crystal shrimp are scavengers and they often pick up bits of food and debris from the bottom of the tank. An air pump will help keep the water moving so that these bits don’t settle on the bottom and start to rot.

Another reason to use an air pump with crystal shrimp is that they are very sensitive to changes in water quality. An air pump will help ensure that the water remains well-oxygenated and free of toxins.

If you decide to use an air pump for your crystal shrimp, be sure to get one that is specifically designed for aquariums. Some air pumps are too powerful and can create too much turbulence in the water, which can stress out your shrimp.

Aquarium Lighting

In their natural environment, red crystal shrimp live in slow-moving streams and rivers with plenty of vegetation. This means that they are used to dim lighting with plenty of hiding spots.

In the aquarium, red crystal shrimp will do best with low to moderate lighting. Too much light can cause them stress and make them more susceptible to disease. A good rule of thumb is to provide 1-2 watts of lighting per gallon of aquarium water.

There are a variety of aquarium lights available on the market, so be sure to choose one that will provide the appropriate level of lighting for your shrimp. Many aquarium lights also come with a timer, which can be helpful in creating a consistent lighting schedule for your shrimp.

Crystal Red shrimp in the tank

Plants and Decorations

Decorating with plants is a great way to add some life and color to your crystal red shrimp tank. Not only do plants look great, but they also help to keep the water clean and provide a place for your shrimp to hide and graze.

Some good plant choices for crystal red shrimp tanks include Anubias, Java Fern, and Bucephalandra. All of these plants are tough and can withstand a lot of abuse, making them ideal for shrimp tanks. They also don’t require much in the way of care, so you can focus on your shrimp.

When it comes to decorations, you can really let your imagination run wild. Driftwood, rocks, and even shells can all make great additions to your shrimp tank. Just be sure that anything you add is safe for shrimp and won’t alter the water chemistry.

What’s the Best Substrate for Crystal Red Shrimps?

There are a variety of substrates that can be used for Crystal Red Shrimp (CRS), but not all substrates are created equal. In general, CRS does best in soft, acidic water with a sandy substrate. This allows them to forage for food and build their homes without damage to their delicate bodies.

While many substrates can meet these criteria, not all will provide the necessary nutrients that CRS need to thrive. A good CRS substrate should contain all of the necessary minerals and trace elements that these shrimp need to stay healthy and produce offspring. Additionally, the substrate should be easy for the shrimp to burrow into and maintain a consistent pH.

There are a few commercially-available substrates that meet these criteria, but one of the best substrates for CRS is a mix of akadama and sand. Akadama is a type of red clay that is often used in bonsai gardens. It is very porous and breaks down slowly, providing a long-term source of nutrients for the shrimp. Sand is also a good choice for CRS, as it is soft and easy for the shrimp to burrow into. A mix of these two substrates will provide everything that CRS needs to stay healthy and thrive.

Crystal Red shrimp in the tank

Food & Diet

Crystal shrimp require a varied diet. You will learn more about this below.

What Can I Feed Crystal Red Shrimp?

There are many things that you can feed crystal red shrimp. Some of the most common food items include: algae, bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and krill. You can also feed them pellets, flakes, and granules that are specifically made for shrimp. It is important to provide a variety of food items to ensure that the shrimp are getting all of the nutrients they need.

How Often Do CRS Need to Be Fed?

It is a common misconception that Crystal Red Shrimp should be fed very frequently. In reality, they are quite capable of surviving on very little food. It is best to feed them once or twice a week, at most. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues and can be harmful to the shrimp.

How Long Can a Crystal Red Shrimp Go Without Food?

How long a crystal red shrimp can go without food depends on a number of factors, including the shrimp’s size, age, and health.

A young, healthy crystal red shrimp can probably survive for several weeks without food. However, an older shrimp or one that is not in good health may only survive for a few days. If you are planning to go on vacation or otherwise be away from your aquarium for an extended period of time, it is best to arrange for someone to feed your shrimp while you are gone.

In general, it is not advisable to let any type of shrimp go without food for more than a week. If you must be away for longer than that, consider getting an automatic feeder for your aquarium. That way, your shrimp will always have access to food, even when you’re not around.

Watch the Following Video on Why I chose Crystal Red Shrimp?

Behavior & Temperament

Crystal red shrimp are relatively peaceful creatures and can be kept with other peaceful fish and shrimp species. However, they are also known to be somewhat aggressive towards their own kind and will often fight with each other if not given enough space to live.

Good Tank Mates

Good tank mates for crystal red shrimp include other shrimp species, small fish, and peaceful cichlids. Here are two species of shrimp that can often be found with crystal red shrimp:

  • Bamboo Shrimp

Bamboo shrimp are a type of freshwater shrimp that is native to East Asia. They are a popular aquarium fish and are often kept as pets.

Bamboo shrimp are named after the plant they resemble, with long, slender bodies and long antennae. They are a light brown or tan color, with dark spots on their bodies. Females are typically larger than males.

Bamboo shrimp are scavengers and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of algae and detritus. In the wild, they are often found near bodies of water with a lot of vegetation, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers.

Bamboo shrimp are easy to care for and make a great addition to any aquarium. They are peaceful and can be kept with most other fish. They do best in an aquarium with plenty of hiding places and plenty of algae or other food sources.

Bamboo Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp

  • Amano Shrimp

Amano shrimp (Caridina multidentata) is a species of freshwater shrimp from Japan. They are named after Takashi Amano, the Japanese aquarist who popularized them in the aquarium trade. Amano shrimp are very popular in the aquarium trade and are used in many aquariums as part of the clean-up crew because of their scavenging habits.

Amano shrimp are native to Japan and can be found in rivers and streams. They are a peaceful species of shrimp and do well in community aquariums. Amano shrimp are not picky eaters and will eat algae, detritus, and uneaten food. Amano shrimp are very active and are constantly cleaning the aquarium.

Amano Shrimp and Crystal Red Shrimp

Unsafe Tank Mates

There are some aquarium mates that can be unsafe for crystal red shrimp.

One unsafe aquarium mate for crystal red shrimp is the common pleco. The common pleco is a freshwater fish that is native to South America. This fish can grow to be over a foot long and has a voracious appetite. The common pleco is also known to uproot plants and stir up sediment in the aquarium. This can be harmful to the delicate crystal red shrimp.

Another unsafe aquarium mate for crystal red shrimp is the African cichlid. African cichlids are a group of fish that are native to the freshwater lakes of Africa. These fish are known for their bright colors and aggressive behavior. African cichlids can grow to be quite large and they are known to be very territorial. They can also be quite aggressive towards other fish, including the crystal red shrimp.

Crystal Red Shrimp Breeding

Crystal red shrimp are relatively easy to breed in captivity, and they will readily reproduce in a well-aquarium. The female shrimp will carry the eggs for about two weeks before they hatch into tiny larvae. The larvae will grow rapidly and should be large enough to start eating baby brine shrimp within a month. If all goes well, the shrimp will reach maturity in about 6-8 months and will begin to reproduce on their own.

FAQs on How to Care for Crystal Red Bee Shrimp

Can you keep Amano shrimp with Crystal Red shrimp?

Amano shrimp are peaceful and can be kept with Crystal Red shrimp, as long as the tank is large enough and there are plenty of hiding places.

How many babies do Crystal Red shrimp have?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can depend on the individual shrimp, but on average, Crystal Red shrimp will have between 20 and 30 babies.

Are Crystal Red shrimp good algae eaters?

It is difficult to say definitively whether or not crystal red shrimp are good algae eaters. However, based on the information available, it seems that they may be able to consume small amounts of algae.

How often do Crystal Red shrimp molt?

Every shrimp is different, but on average it happens every 3-4 weeks.

Will Cherry shrimp breed with Crystal shrimp?

It is possible for Cherry shrimp to breed with Crystal shrimp, but there is no guarantee that the offspring will be viable.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, Crystal Red Shrimp is a popular type of shrimp in the aquarium trade. They are known for their striking red coloration, which is a result of genetic manipulation.

If you are thinking about adding Crystal Red Shrimp to your aquarium, be prepared to pay a bit more than you would for other shrimp. These shrimp are still quite rare and thus command a higher price.

When shopping for Crystal Red Shrimp, look for healthy specimens with a bright red coloration. Avoid shrimp that are pale or have any other coloration, as these are usually sick. Also, be sure to ask the seller about the water conditions in which the shrimp were raised, as this can impact their health.

With proper care, Crystal Red Shrimp can be a beautiful and enjoyable addition to your aquarium.


  • Bumblebee shrimp (Caridina breviata) | Care & info (Shrimp Farm USA): https://www.theshrimpfarm.com/posts/bumblebee-shrimp-care/
  • Bucephalandra (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucephalandra
  • Brine shrimp (Britannica): https://www.britannica.com/animal/brine-shrimp

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