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Angelfish Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

Angelfish are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish for a reason: they’re absolutely beautiful. Angelfish have a unique shape, and elegant fins that make them stand out in a crowd, and their wide …

two white angelfish

Angelfish are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish for a reason: they’re absolutely beautiful. Angelfish have a unique shape, and elegant fins that make them stand out in a crowd, and their wide variety of colors means that there’s an angelfish out there to suit every taste.

But angelfish are more than just a pretty face; also relatively easy to freshwater angelfish care for, as long as you provide them with a few key things. Which you will learn about below.

spotty angelfish swim

Angelfish are not the most social of fish, so it’s best to keep them in pairs or groups of three or more. They can be aggressive towards each other, as well as towards smaller fish, so it’s important to choose tank mates carefully. Angelfish are also known to be jumpers, so a tank with a tight-fitting lid is a must.

In this article, you will learn all about care for angelfish. If you have any questions, post them in the comments.

Are Angelfish Hard to Take Care of?
Angelfish are relatively easy to care for, but they are not the easiest fish to keep. They are best kept in a well-stocked aquarium with plenty of hiding places. They are also very sensitive to water quality and should be kept in an aquarium with good filtration. Angelfish are also susceptible to diseases, so it is important to quarantine new fish.

Species Summary

Scientific name:Pterophyllum
Common names:Angelfish
Distribution:Tropical South America
Size:3–4 inches
Life expectancy:10–12 years
Color:Black, silver, or gold, with vertical black bands
Care level:Easy
Breeding:Egg layer

Where do Angelfish Come From?

Angelfish are a type of freshwater fish that are popular in aquariums. They are native to the Amazon River basin in South America. Angelfish are a member of the cichlid family and are closely related to freshwater angelfish, discus fish, and Oscar fish. Angelfish are typically found in slow-moving waters, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers.

How Long do Angelfish Live for?

They are popular aquarium fish and can live for up to 12 years. The average lifespan of an angelfish is 9 to 11 years.

While angelfish are relatively low-maintenance pets, there are still some things you can do to help them live long and healthy life.

  • First, it’s essential to give them a spacious tank.
  • Second, include plenty of hiding places and plants in their tank.
  • Finally, don’t overfeed them.

With proper care, your angelfish can be a fun and low-maintenance addition to your family for many years.

How Big Do Angelfish Get?

The smallest angelfish grow to about 2 inches, while the largest can grow up to 6 inches in length.

Most angelfish fall somewhere in between, however, and can reach a size of 3 – 4 inches.

spotty and black fish

The Different Types and Colors of Angelfish Fish: Appearance

There are many different species of angelfish, and they come in a wide variety of colors. Some of the most popular species include the Blue Angelfish, the Coral Beauty, the Queen Angelfish, and the Rock Beauty.

Angelfish come in a wide variety of colors, including blue, black, silver, gold, and even pink. Some angelfish have stripes or patterns on their bodies, while others are a solid color.

How Much do Angelfish Cost?

The cost of angelfish can vary depending on the size, color, and type of fish you are looking for. Generally, angelfish cost between $5 and $20. However, rarer colors and patterns can cost upwards of $100.

When purchasing an angelfish, it is important to consider the long-term cost of care. Angelfish are relatively hardy fish, but they still require a well-maintained aquarium with clean water and a good diet. The cost of an angelfish over its lifetime can be significant, so be sure to do your research before making a purchase.

How Do You Pick Healthy Angelfish?

When you’re looking to add an angelfish to your aquarium, it’s important to choose a healthy one.

  • The fish should be active and alert, and not.
  • The fish’s body should be symmetrical and free of any deformities.
  • The fish’s fins should be intact and unbroken, and the tail should be nicely rounded.
  • The fish’s scales should be smooth and shiny, without any spots or lesions.
  • The fish’s eyes should be clear and bright, without any cloudiness.

If you can find an angelfish that meets all of these criteria, you’re likely to have a healthy, happy fish on your hands!

Angelfish Care Sheet & Tank Requirements

Minimum tank size:20 gallons
Temperature:75–82°F (25–28°C)
Hardness:4–12 dGH

The Best Aquarium Size

The best size aquarium for Angelfish is a 20-gallon tank. This size tank will provide enough space for a small group of Angelfish to swim and explore. It is also important to have a tank that is at least 20 gallons in order to provide adequate filtration and water quality.

When choosing an aquarium for Angelfish, it is important to consider the fish’s adult size. Angelfish can grow to be up to 4 inches in length, so the tank should be able to accommodate them as they grow. A 20-gallon tank is a good size for a small group of Angelfish, but a larger tank may be necessary if you plan on keeping a larger number of fish.

Water Requirements for Angelfish

Angelfish are not very demanding when it comes to water requirements, but there are a few things to keep in mind if you want to keep them healthy and happy.

Tank Water Temperature

Angelfish are tropical fish that thrive in warm water. The ideal water temperature for angelfish is between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. However, angelfish can tolerate a range of water temperatures, from 72 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water temperature falls outside of this range, it is important to take steps to raise or lower the temperature gradually to avoid stressing the fish.

If you are keeping angelfish in a cold water aquarium, you will need to take steps to raise the water temperature. One way to do this is to use an aquarium heater. Be sure to choose a heater that is sized appropriately for your tank. Another way to raise the water temperature is to place the tank in a warm room, or in a spot where it will receive direct sunlight.

In warm weather, it is important to take steps to lower the water temperature to avoid stressing the fish. One way to do this is to use an aquarium fan to circulate the air around the tank and help evaporate the water. Another way to lower the water temperature is to add ice cubes to the tank. Be sure to add the ice cubes gradually and monitor the water temperature closely to avoid shocking the fish.

Beautiful angelfish

Best Water Flow for Angelfish

The best water flow for Angelfish is a moderate flow. Angelfish come from slow-moving rivers and streams, so they are not used to strong currents. A moderate water flow will provide them with the stimulation they need without being too overwhelming.

Angelfish are also known to be jumpers, so it is important to have a tight-fitting lid on your aquarium. A stronger water flow can also cause them to jump out of the tank, so be sure to keep an eye on your fish if you increase the flow.

pH — Water Acidity & Alkalinity Levels

When it comes to water for your angelfish, you need to be aware of both the acidity and the alkalinity levels. The ideal range for both is between 6.8 and 7.0, with 6.9 being neutral. Water that is too acidic or too alkaline can be harmful to your fish and even deadly.

pH levels can fluctuate naturally, depending on the source of your water. If you’re using tap water, it’s important to test it regularly to make sure it’s in the safe range. You can test your water with a simple pH test kit, which you can find at most pet stores.

Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates

Ammonia is one of the most toxic substances to freshwater fish, and even small amounts can cause serious harm. Ammonia is produced by the breakdown of fish waste, uneaten food, and plant matter. It is also present in tap water, although usually in very small amounts. Ammonia levels can rise very quickly in an aquarium, and fish are very sensitive to even small changes.

Nitrite is another toxic substance that can be found in freshwater aquariums. It is produced by the breakdown of ammonia, and levels can also rise quickly if there is too much ammonia present. Nitrite is very harmful to fish, and even small amounts can cause serious health problems.

Nitrate is the third and final toxic substance that can be found in freshwater aquariums. It is produced by the breakdown of nitrite, and levels can also rise quickly if there is too much nitrite present. Nitrate is less harmful to fish than ammonia and nitrite, but it can still cause health problems if the levels get too high.

It is important to test the water in your aquarium regularly for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. If any of these substances are present at high levels, it can be very dangerous for your fish. There are a few different ways to remove ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate from your aquarium, and you should talk to your local fish store or a qualified aquarium technician to find the best method for your situation.

several angelfish in the aquarium


One of the most important things to consider when keeping angelfish is filtration. Angelfish are messy eaters and produce a lot of waste. A good filter will help to keep the water clean and clear and the angelfish healthy.

There are a few different types of filters that can be used for angelfish tanks. Canister filters are a good option for larger tanks. These filters are powerful and can move a lot of water. They have also hidden away under the aquarium, so they do not take up valuable space in the tank.

Hang-on-back (HOB) filters are another good option for angelfish tanks. These filters are less powerful than canister filters, but they are much easier to set up and maintain. HOB filters are also a good choice for smaller tanks.


In the wild, angelfish is found in areas of high vegetation where there is little to no direct sunlight. This is why many aquarists believe that angelfish should be kept under low lighting conditions.

While too much light can cause stress and even death in angelfish, too little light will result in stunted growth and poor coloration. The best way to provide lighting for angelfish is to use a combination of both artificial and natural lighting.

Artificial lighting should be provided using full spectrum bulbs that emit both UV and blue light. These bulbs will help to promote the growth of plants and algae in the aquarium, which in turn will provide angelfish with the food they need to thrive.

Natural lighting can be provided by placing the aquarium in a well-lit room or near a window. If possible, the aquarium should be placed in an area where it will receive some direct sunlight each day. This will help to promote the growth of plants and algae, and it will also provide the angelfish with the vitamin D they need to stay healthy.

When provided with the proper lighting, angelfish will thrive and grow to their full potential. They will also develop their beautiful coloration, which is one of the main reasons why they are such popular aquarium fish.

fish looking at the camera

Plants and Decorations for your Angelfish

When choosing plants and decorations for your angelfish tank, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, angelfish are relatively large fish, so you will need to choose plants and decorations that are sturdy enough to withstand their size and weight. Second, angelfish are known to be fin nippers, so you will need to avoid plants and decorations with sharp edges or delicate parts that could be easily damaged.

Some good plant choices for an angelfish tank include java ferns, anubias, and hornwort. These plants are all tough and can withstand a fair amount of abuse. Decorations-wise, you can choose from a variety of options such as driftwood, rocks, or even sunken shipwrecks. Just be sure to avoid anything with sharp edges or delicate parts.

What’s the Best Substrate for Angelfish?

The best substrate for Angelfish is a dark, sandy one. This will help to keep their bright colors vibrant and will also provide them with a place to bury themselves if they want to. A sand substrate also has the added benefit of being easier on their delicate fins than a gravel one.

Another thing to consider when choosing a substrate is the size of the grains. Angelfish have a tendency to swallow small objects, so it’s important to avoid substrates with small particles that could be ingested.

Finally, make sure to avoid any substrate that contains chemicals or is otherwise harmful to fish. This includes substrates that have been treated with pesticides or other chemicals.

two angelfish look at each other

Food & Diet

Below, you will find detailed information on angelfish about the diet.

What do Angelfish Eat?

Angelfish are omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals. In the wild, they will eat small fish, crustaceans, and insects. They will also eat algae and other plant matter. In an aquarium, you can feed them flakes, pellets, or live food.

It is important to give your angelfish a varied diet to keep them healthy. They need both protein and vegetables. You can give them frozen or live food for protein. For vegetables, you can give them blanched lettuce or zucchini.

How Often Do Angelfish Need to Be Fed?

Angelfish should be fed once or twice a day. A good rule of thumb is to feed them as much as they can eat in about 5 minutes. If you’re not sure how much to give them, err on the side of giving them less rather than more. Overfeeding can lead to health problems for your fish.

How Long Can an Angelfish Go Without Food?

Angelfish can survive for several weeks without food, but they will start to lose weight and their health will decline. If you are going to be away from home for more than a week, it is best to ask a friend or neighbor to feed your fish. If that is not possible, you can purchase an automatic fish feeder.

Behavior & Temperament

Angelfish are peaceful fish that do well in community tanks. They are not aggressive and will not bother other fish. However, they can be nippy and may harass fish with long fins. Angelfish are also known to eat smaller fish and invertebrates.

Are Angelfish Aggressive?

Angelfish are not an aggressive species of fish, but they can be territorial. They are most likely to become aggressive when they are spawning or if they feel their territory is being threatened. If you have multiple angelfish, it is best to keep them in a large tank, so they each have their own space.

orange angelfish swim

What Fish Can be Kept With Angelfish?

Angelfish are beautiful and popular fish for home aquariums. They are peaceful fish that can get along with other fish as long as the other fish are not too aggressive.

Angelfish can be kept with other peaceful fish, such as tetras, guppies, mollies, and platies. They can also be kept with other angels, as long as there is one male and two females per tank.

You can read more about good mates for your Angelfish fish in our “36 Best Tank Mates for Angelfish” article.

Angelfish Breeding Level – Intermediate

When choosing angelfish for breeding, it is important to select a healthy pair that is of similar size. It is also necessary to have a separate breeding tank that is at least 20 gallons in size. The tank should be well-filtered and have plenty of hiding places for the fry (baby fish) to hide.

To induce breeding, the water temperature in the breeding tank should be raised to 82-86 degrees Fahrenheit. The female angelfish will lay her eggs on a flat surface, such as a piece of slate or a flower pot. Once the eggs are laid, the male angelfish will fertilize them.

The parents should then be removed from the breeding tank, as they may eat the eggs. The eggs will hatch in 3-5 days, and the fry will be free-swimming a week after that. The fry should be fed a diet of small live foods, such as baby brine shrimp or micro worms.

How Often do Angelfish Lay eggs?

Angelfish lay eggs every 7 to 12 days. The eggs are generally pale yellow in color and are about the size of a small pea.

Can Angelfish Lay Eggs Without a Mate?

It is possible for an angelfish to lay eggs without being paired with another fish. This is called parthenogenesis, and it occurs when the angelfish produce eggs that do not require fertilization from another fish in order to hatch.

Parthenogenesis is a naturally occurring process in some animals, and it is not known why it happens in angelfish. It is possible that the angelfish is trying to reproduce in a situation where there are no other angelfish around, or that the angelfish is unable to find a suitable mate. In either case, the eggs that are produced via parthenogenesis are not viable and will not hatch into fry.

Watch the Following Video on What to do When Your Angelfish Lay Egg?

How Many Eggs Do Angelfish Lay?

Angelfish usually lay 100 to 1,000 eggs at a time. The eggs incubate in the water and hatch within two to three days. After that, the fry, or cubs, are able to feed themselves.

FAQs on Angelfish

Can Angelfish be kept alone?

Angelfish are schooling fish, so they should be kept in groups. A single angelfish will often become stressed and may become aggressive.

How many Angelfish can you have in a 55-gallon tank?

The recommended stocking density for angelfish is 1-2 fish per 10 gallons, so you could have 5-11 angelfish in the aquarium in a 55-gallon tank.

How do you calm Angelfish down?

The best way to calm Angelfish down is to provide them with a peaceful and stress-free environment. This can be achieved by providing them with plenty of hiding places, a well-oxygenated aquarium, and a diet rich in vitamins and minerals.

Do Angelfish mate for life?

There is no definitive answer to this question as different species of angelfish exhibit different mating behaviors. Some angelfish do appear to mate for life, while others do not.

Why are my Angelfish kissing?

There is no one answer to this question as it could be due to a number of reasons. Some possible reasons include: spawning behavior, aggression, dominance, or even just socializing.


If you’ve ever seen an Angelfish gliding around a freshwater aquarium, you may have been intrigued by its elegant shape and beautiful fins. Angelfish are popular aquarium fish, and although they’re not the easiest fish to care for, they can be a rewarding addition to your tank.


  • Pterophyllum (Wikipedia): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pterophyllum
  • The Facts About Ammonia (www.health.ny.gov): https://www.health.ny.gov/environmental/emergency/chemical_terrorism/ammonia_tech.htm
  • Aquarium Fish (www.fdacs.gov): https://www.fdacs.gov/Consumer-Resources/Recreation-and-Leisure/Aquarium-Fish

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