Black Rose Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. “Black Rose”) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

Black roses, or Cabomba Caroliniana, are easy-to-keep freshwater shrimp with their vibrant colors and unique leaf-like fins. They are an excellent addition to any freshwater aquarium. Black roses are peaceful and make a great addition …

black rose shrimp

Black roses, or Cabomba Caroliniana, are easy-to-keep freshwater shrimp with their vibrant colors and unique leaf-like fins. They are an excellent addition to any freshwater aquarium. Black roses are peaceful and make a great addition to any community tank. They are also known to help control algae growth.

Black Rose Shrimp Key Care Stats

Scientific Name: Neocaridina davidi
Other Name: Black Rose, Black Neocaridina Shrimp, Rose Shrimp
Size: 1–2 inches (2.5–5 cm)
Life Expectancy: 2–3 years
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons
Tank Set-Up: Freshwater
Water pH: 6.8–7.4
72–79 °F (22–26 °C)
Best kept: In groups of 4 or more
Compatibility: Peaceful, community tank
Diet: Omnivore

Species Summary

The Black Rose Shrimp is a species of freshwater aquarium shrimp that is native to Taiwan. It is a popular species for aquariums due to its black-and-white coloration, which is quite striking. Black Rose Shrimp are not difficult to care for and make a great addition to any aquarium.

Where Do They Come From?

Black Rose Shrimp come from Taiwan, where they are found in streams and rivers. They are a popular species for aquariums due to their black-and-white coloration, which is quite striking.

How Long do Black Rose Shrimp Live for?

Black Rose Shrimp have a lifespan of 2–3 years in captivity. Also, in the wild, the lifespan of a Black Rose Shrimp is typically shorter due to predation and other factors.

How Big do Black Rose Shrimp Grow?

Black Rose Shrimp grow to be about 2 inches (5 cm) in length. The males are slightly smaller than the females. This species of shrimp is not known to get any larger than this.

Black Rose Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

Black Rose Shrimp on the substrate in the tank

The Black Rose Shrimp are black and white in coloration. They have a black body with white spots and white legs with black stripes. Black Rose Shrimp can grow to be about 2 inches in length. They have black bodies with white stripes running along their sides. Black Rose Shrimp are not sexually dimorphic, meaning that males and females look alike.

There are a few different similar shrimp types of Black Rose Shrimp, including the Red Cherry Shrimp, the Rare Neocaridina Shrimp, and the Yellow Shrimp. Black Rose Shrimp can be distinguished from these other species by their black and white coloration.

Male and Female Difference

Males and females of the Black Rose shrimp look very similar to one another. The main difference is that males tend to be slightly smaller than females. Additionally, males typically have longer legs than females. This difference is most easily seen when the shrimp are observed from above.

How Much do Black Rose Shrimp Cost?

Black Rose Shrimp typically cost between $3 and $5 each. This price can vary depending on the retailer and whether or not the shrimp are wild-caught or captive-bred. Captive-bred Black Rose Shrimp are typically more expensive than wild-caught shrimp, but they are also less likely to carry diseases and parasites.

Black Rose Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

The Black Rose Shrimp is a beautiful and relatively rare species of freshwater shrimp. They are native to the island of Taiwan and can be found in a variety of colors, including black, blue, and green. These shrimp are very active and make great additions to any aquarium.

Black Rose Shrimp are not difficult to care for, but there are a few things to keep in mind. They are very sensitive to changes in water quality and temperature, so it is important to maintain a stable environment in their tank. They also need plenty of hiding places and vegetation to feel secure.

The Best Aquarium Size for Black Rose Shrimps

The minimum recommended aquarium size for Black Rose Shrimps is 10 gallons (45 L). If you plan on keeping more than a few shrimp, a larger aquarium will be necessary. Also, keep in mind that these shrimp are very active and need plenty of space to swim around.

Water Parameters

The ideal water temperature for Black Rose Shrimps is between 74-82 degrees Fahrenheit (23-28 degrees Celsius). These shrimp are very sensitive to changes in temperature, so it is important to maintain a stable environment in their tank. The use of an aquarium heater and thermometer is recommended.


Because Black Rose Shrimp are so sensitive to water quality, a good filtration system is essential. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter with a sponge pre-filter will work well. The filter should be sized for the aquarium and should be able to turn over the water at least once per hour.

In addition to filtration, regular water changes are also important. Black Rose Shrimp are very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites, so it is important to keep these levels as low as possible. Water changes of 10–20% should be done every week or two. Also, be sure to use a dechlorinator when adding new water to the tank.

Do Black Rose Shrimp Need an Air Pump?

Black Rose Shrimp need a good supply of oxygen in their tank. An air pump with an air stone is a good way to provide this. The air stone should be placed in the tank so that the bubbles rise to the surface. This will help keep the water well-oxygenated. Also, be sure to keep the tank covered to prevent the shrimp from jumping out.

Aquarium Lighting

Black Rose Shrimp do not require special lighting, but they do prefer dimmer conditions. A standard aquarium hood with fluorescent bulbs will provide adequate lighting. If you want to grow live plants in the tank, then you will need to get a plant-specific bulb. Also, be sure to have a tight-fitting lid on the aquarium to prevent the shrimp from jumping out.

Plants and Decorations

Black Rose Shrimp sitting on algae

Black Rose Shrimp need plenty of hiding places and vegetation in their tank. Aquatic plants are a great way to provide both of these things. Live plants are also beneficial because they help to keep the water quality high. Some good plants for a shrimp tank include java fern, anubias, and crypts.

In addition to plants, you can also use rocks, driftwood, and other decorations to provide hiding places for your shrimp. Just be sure that any decorations you use are safe for aquarium use and are not going to release any harmful chemicals into the water.

What’s the Best Substrate for Black Rose Shrimps?

Black Rose Shrimp prefer a soft, sandy substrate. They are very delicate and can be easily injured by a gravel substrate. A layer of 1-2 inches of the substrate is sufficient. The substrate can be mixed with some live plants to provide hiding places and grazing areas for the shrimp. Also, be sure to include some smooth rocks or driftwood for the shrimp to climb on.

Food & Diet

The Black Rose Shrimp is an omnivorous species that does well on a diet of both plant and animal matter. In the wild, they will scavenge for detritus, algae, and small insects. In the aquarium, they should be offered a variety of foods, including algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and freeze-dried foods.

What Can I Feed Chocolate Shrimp?

Black Rose Shrimp floating in the aquarium

The Black Rose Shrimp is omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods. They are known to be scavengers and will eat leftover food that has sunk to the bottom of the tank. They will also eat algae and other plant matter. It is important to provide a variety of foods for the Black Rose Shrimp to ensure a balanced diet. A good diet for the Black Rose Shrimp includes:

  • Algae
  • Leftover fish food
  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Shrimp pellets

How Often Do Chocolate Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

Chocolate Shrimp should be fed 1–2 times per day. Only offer as much food as they can consume in a few minutes. Remove any uneaten food after feeding time. Also, supplement their diet with algae wafers or blanched vegetables.

How Long Can a Chocolate Shrimp Go Without Food?

A Black Rose Shrimp can go for a few days without food, but it is not recommended to do so on a regular basis. If you are away from home for an extended period of time, it is best to either have someone check on your shrimp or set up an automatic feeder. The latter is the preferred option as it will ensure that your shrimp are getting a regular supply of food.

Watch the Following Video on Black Rose & Chocolate Shrimps

Here is a great video on Black Rose & Chocolate Shrimps care:

Behavior & Temperament

The Black Rose Shrimp is a peaceful and social creature that does well in community aquariums. They are fairly easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater setup.

The Black Rose Shrimp is a small, freshwater shrimp that gets its name from its black body and rose-like patterns. They have long, transparent antennae and black eyes. Their legs are also black and are covered in small hairs.

Good Tank Mates

Some good tank mates for Black Rose Shrimps include other peaceful freshwater shrimp, snails, and fish. Here are a few examples:

  • Cherry Shrimp
  • Amano Shrimp
  • Nerite Snails
  • Otocinclus Catfish
  • Harlequin Rasboras
  • Care Guidelines

The Black Rose Shrimp is a fairly easy-to-care for species. They are not overly sensitive to water parameters but prefer clean, well-oxygenated water. A good filtration system is a must for keeping these shrimp healthy and happy.

Unsafe Tank Mates

Avoid keeping Black Rose Shrimp with fish that are known to be fin nippers or aggressive. Here is a list of some common freshwater fish that are not safe tank mates for Black Rose Shrimp:

  • Angelfish
  • Betta Fish
  • Gouramis
  • Barbs
  • Cichlids
  • Danios
  • Tetras

These are just a few examples, so be sure to do your research before adding any fish to your shrimp tank. So long as you avoid fish that might view your shrimp as a meal, you should be fine.

Black Rose Shrimp Breeding

Black Rose Shrimp and babies Black Rose Shrimp in the tank

The Black Rose Shrimp is a relatively easy species to breed in the home aquarium. They are known to be prolific breeders and can produce large numbers of offspring. The best way to sex Black Rose Shrimp is by looking at the underside of the shrimp. The males will have a smaller, thinner pleopod (reproductive organ) than the females. The female’s pleopod will also be visible when she is carrying eggs.

To induce breeding, it is recommended to raise the water temperature to 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and provide plenty of live plants and hiding places for the fry. The female will carry her eggs for about 2-3 weeks before they hatch.

Once the fry hatch, they are extremely small and vulnerable to predation. It is important to remove any potential predators from the tank and to provide plenty of live food for the fry to feed on. The fry will grow quickly and be able to be moved to a community tank within a few months.

FAQs on How to Care for Black Rose Shrimp

Is Black Rose shrimp breed true?

Black Rose shrimp are a true breeding species. They are not a hybrid or crossbreed. These shrimp species have been selectively bred over time to produce the black coloration that is desired by many shrimp enthusiasts.

How many Black Rose shrimp can I put in a 10-gallon tank?

A 10-gallon tank can comfortably house 10-12 Black Rose shrimp. Also, be sure to include plenty of hiding places and places for them to graze on algae. Also, provide them with a good quality diet and perform regular water changes to keep them healthy and happy.

Do Black Rose shrimps eat algae?

Black Rose shrimp are not typically known to be algae eaters. However, they may occasionally nibble on some soft algae growths. So, if you are looking for shrimp to help with algae control in your aquarium, you may want to consider another species.

Closing Thoughts

By now, you should know everything you need to know to take care of your Black Rose Shrimp successfully. This guide was based on our own experience and knowledge that I have gathered from various sources in order to provide you with the best information. The information we provided is aimed at helping you keep your shrimp happy and healthy.

If you have any questions about Black Rose shrimp, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.


  • Selective and Interbreeding of Freshwater Ornamental Shrimps with Endemic Aquarium Plants (by Ganesh Ariyanathan and Sesh Serebiah)
  • Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Bouvier 1904)(Crustacea: Decopoda: Atyidae) by Carrie Suen and Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman

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