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Can Goldfish and Guppies Live Together?

Goldfish and guppy fish are two of the most popular fish in the world. They are both beautiful and have their own unique personalities. Goldfish are known for their intelligence and their ability to learn …

Guppies live with the goldfish

Goldfish and guppy fish are two of the most popular fish in the world. They are both beautiful and have their own unique personalities. Goldfish are known for their intelligence and their ability to learn tricks. Guppy fish are known for their vibrant colors and their playful nature. Both fish make great pets.

Are you wondering if goldfish and guppies live together? Let’s find out!

Can Goldfish and Guppies Live Together?
Goldfish and guppies can live together, but it’s important to keep a few things in mind. Goldfish are cold-water fish, so the tank should be kept at a comfortable temperature. Guppies are tropical fish, so the water should be a bit warmer. Having a separate area for each type of fish is a good idea. Goldfish are known to be messy eaters, so they may not get the same nutrition as the guppies if they are all eating from the same area. Guppies are also known to be nippy, so they may harass the goldfish if they are in the same area.

What Makes These Two Fish Good Tank Mates?

Goldfish and guppy fish are good aquarium neighbors because they are both small fish that don’t need a lot of space. Goldfish are a type of carp and can grow up to 12 inches long, but most people keep them in less than 10 inches long aquariums. Guppy fish is a type of tropical fish and can grow up to 3 inches long, but most people keep them in aquariums that are less than 2 inches long.

Both Types of Freshwater Fish

Goldfish and guppy fish can be compatible in freshwater aquariums, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

Goldfish will need a larger aquarium than guppies. Goldfish also need a lot of space to swim, so make sure to have a lot of open space in the aquarium.

Guppies do well in planted aquariums, but goldfish will uproot the plants. Guppies also like a lot of water movement, while goldfish prefer calmer water.

It is important to have a filter in the aquarium to create water movement. Goldfish and guppies can be compatible in freshwater aquariums if the proper care is taken.

Both Omnivores

Goldfish and guppy fish are both members of the carp family and eat the same types of food. Goldfish are omnivorous and can eat both plants and animals. Guppy fish are herbivorous and eat mostly plants. However, both types of fish can eat small amounts of meat.

Goldfish and guppy fish both prefer to eat live food. However, they will also eat pellets, flakes, and freeze-dried food. Goldfish can live on a vegetarian diet, but guppy fish need some animal protein in their diet to stay healthy.

What Makes These Two Fish Poor Tank Mates?

So, do goldfish and guppies get along? Goldfish and guppy fish are bad aquarium neighbors because they both compete for the same food, they can both breed prolifically, and they both release a lot of waste into the water.

Two Types of Fish are Completely Different Species

Goldfish and guppy fish are two very different types of fish. Goldfish are a type of carp and can grow to be quite large, while guppies are a type of freshwater fish that are very small.

Goldfish can live in both cold and warm water, while guppies cannot survive in water colder than 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Guppies and goldfish

Goldfish are Larger Than Guppies and Can Easily Eat Them

Goldfish are typically larger than guppies and can easily eat them. In fact, a goldfish can eat up to 20 guppies in one sitting! This is because goldfish have a larger mouth and more powerful stomach muscles than guppies.

So, while guppies may be more numerous and easier to care for than goldfish, they are not safe from being eaten by goldfish.

What Temperature Is Good for Goldfish and Guppies?

Goldfish are cold-water fish and can tolerate temperatures down to about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they do best when the water is in the range of 65-75 degrees. Warmer water will speed up their metabolism and can lead to problems such as stunted growth, swim bladder problems, and susceptibility to disease.

Guppies are tropical fish and require water temperatures in the range of 73-82 degrees. Temperatures below 73 can cause problems such as sluggishness, poor appetite, and disease susceptibility. Temperatures above 82 can cause problems such as stress, increased respiration, and susceptibility to disease.

Tips On How To Keep Your Guppies Alive in a Goldfish Tank?

Above you learned will goldfish eat guppies. Below you will learn how to prevent this.

Start With A Good Sized Tank

There are many different types of tanks that can be used for guppies and goldfish. Some people prefer to use a large tank, while others use a small tank. It is important to find the right tank for your fish.

If you are using a large tank, it is important to make sure that the tank is big enough for both the guppies and the goldfish. The tank should be at least 10 gallons, and it is preferable to have a tank that is larger than 20 gallons.

If you are using a small tank, it is important to make sure that the tank is big enough for the guppies. The tank should be at least 2 gallons, and it is preferable to have a tank that is larger than 5 gallons.

Guppies and goldfish

Make Sure The Goldfish Don’t Become Too Big

Goldfish can grow to be quite large, so it’s important to keep them from getting too big. One way to do this is to not give them too much food. Goldfish need only a small amount of food each day, so be sure to only give them a little bit at a time. You can also get a feeder that will only release a small amount of food at a time.

Another way to keep your goldfish from getting too big is to give them plenty of room to swim. A small tank will not allow your goldfish to swim around as much as they need, and they will grow larger as a result. Instead, try to get a tank that is at least 20-30 gallons in size.

Finally, be sure to get a tank that is properly filtered. A filter will help keep the water clean and will help prevent your goldfish from growing too large.

Keep The Temperature Constant

One way to maintain a constant temperature is to use a heater. Heaters can be set to a certain temperature and will keep the water at that temperature. If you are using a heater, it is important to make sure it is not too hot or too cold for the animals in the aquarium.

Another way to maintain a constant temperature is to use a thermometer. This will help you to make sure the temperature is not too hot or too cold.

It is also important to make sure the aquarium is in a place where the temperature is consistent. If the aquarium is in a place where the temperature changes a lot, it can be hard to keep the temperature consistent.

Guppies and goldfish

Give The Guppies Lots Of Places Too Hide

One thing to keep in mind when caring for guppies is to provide them with plenty of places to hide. This can be done by adding rocks, plants, and other decorations to the aquarium.

When adding plants to the aquarium, make sure to choose ones that are sturdy and can withstand the guppies’ playful nature. Live plants are a great choice, as they provide the aquarium with oxygen and help to keep the water clean. If live plants are not an option, then artificial plants can be used.

Rocks can also be used to create hiding places for the guppies. Be sure to choose rocks that are smooth and will not scratch the fish. It is also important to make sure that the rocks are not too heavy and will not fall over and damage the aquarium.

Other decorations that can be used to create hiding places for the guppies include caves, tunnels, and driftwood. By providing plenty of places for the guppies to hide, you can help make them feel safe and secure in their home. This can lead to less stress and healthier fish.


Aquarium lighting is an important part of keeping fish healthy and looking their best. Different types of fish need different types of lighting. Goldfish and guppies are both easy to care for and do well with fluorescent lighting.

Fluorescent lighting is the most common type of aquarium lighting. It is affordable and easy to use. Fluorescent light bulbs come in different colors, so you can choose the one that best suits your fish.

Some people prefer to use natural light to light their aquariums. This can be done by placing the aquarium near a window. However, you need to be careful that the fish don’t get too much sun. Too much sun can cause the water to get too hot and can be harmful to the fish.

LED lighting is another option for aquariums. LED lights are becoming more popular because they are energy-efficient and long-lasting. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose the one that best suits your fish.

No matter what type of lighting you choose, it is important to make sure that the aquarium is properly lit. Fish need at least eight hours of light per day.

FAQs on Can Goldfish Live With Guppies

Will Goldfish Eat My Guppies?

Goldfish are omnivorous and will eat a variety of things, including guppies. However, goldfish are not typically considered to be predators and will not eat guppies as their primary food source.

How Big Does a Guppy Get?

Guppy fish will reach their full size right around 2 years of age. By then, they will be between 2 and 4 inches long.

What is The Lifespan of Guppy Fish?

Guppy fish can live for up to three years in captivity, but in the wild, their lifespan is shorter, typically around one year.

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In this article, you learned the answer to the question, “can guppy fish live with goldfish”. Overall, Goldfish and guppies are both freshwater fish that can live together peacefully in the same tank. They are a compatible community fish pairing because they have similar water requirements and temperature preferences.


  • Swim Bladder Disorders in Fish: https://www.petmd.com/fish/conditions/respiratory/swim-bladder-disorders-fish
  • American Association of Fish Veterinarians. Conference Proceedings 2015
  • Stress in Fishes: A Diversity of Responses with Particular Reference to Changes in Circulating Corticosteroids (by Bruce A. Barton – Integrative and Comparative Biology, Volume 42, Issue 3, July 2002, Pages 517–525, https://doi.org/10.1093/icb/42.3.517): https://academic.oup.com/icb/article/42/3/517/723932?login=false
  • Fluorescent lamp: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluorescent_lamp#:~:text=A%20fluorescent%20lamp%2C%20or%20fluorescent,of%20the%20lamp%20to%20glow.

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