Orange Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. “Orange Rili”) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

Orange rili shrimp are a beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them ideal for beginner shrimp keepers. These shrimp are also very active and love to …

Orange Rili Shrimp in the aquarium

Orange rili shrimp are a beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are peaceful and easy to care for, making them ideal for beginner shrimp keepers. These shrimp are also very active and love to explore their surroundings. Also, they are a popular choice among shrimp keepers because of their vibrant coloration.

Are Orange Rili Shrimp Easy to Take Care of?
Orange rili shrimp are very easy to care for and are a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are very peaceful and do not bother other tank mates. They are also very active and will often be seen cleaning the tank and scavenging for food.

Orange Shrimp Key Care Stats

Scientific name: Neocaridina denticulata sinensis
Other name: Orange Rili shrimp
Origin: Taiwan
Size: 1.5–2.5 cm
Lifespan: 2–3 years
Active: Day
Aquarium size: 5 gallons or more
Recommended diet: Omnivore
Temperament: Peaceful
Best kept: In groups of 5 or more
Tank set-up: Freshwater
Water pH: 6.5–7.5
Temperature: 68–82 °F (20–28 °C)
Care level: Easy

Species Summary

The Orange Rili Shrimp is a fairly peaceful species that belongs to the Atyidae family. They are known for their bright orange coloration, which can vary from light to dark. Their diet consists of algae, detritus, and small insects. These shrimp are easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.

Where Do They Come From?

Orange Rili Shrimp are found in freshwater habitats throughout Southeast Asia. In the wild, they are known to form large colonies.

How Long Do Orange Rili Shrimp Live for?

The Orange Rili Shrimp is a beautiful and popular freshwater shrimp. They are very easy to care for as long as their water parameters are kept in check. Orange Rili Shrimp can live for up to 2 years with proper care.

How Big Do Orange Rili Shrimp Grow?

Orange Rili Shrimp can grow up to 2 inches (5 cm) in length. Also, females are usually larger than males.

Orange Rili Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

Orange Rili Shrimp in algae in the tank

The Orange Rili Shrimp gets its name from its orange coloration, which is a result of crossbreeding with other shrimp species. This is a relatively small shrimp, only growing to be about 1.5 inches (3.8cm) in length. They have transparent bodies with orange stripes running down their backs. The females tend to be larger and more brightly colored than the males. The females also have a larger abdomen, which is used to carry their eggs.

There are several different varieties of Orange Rili Shrimp, each with their own unique coloration. They are orange in color and have a dark stripe running down their backs. The coloration of these shrimp can vary from light to dark. Some of the other popular varieties include the Orange Pumpkin Shrimp, Blue Rili Shrimp, Red Rili Shrimp, and Yellow Rili Shrimp.

How Much do Orange Rili Shrimp Cost?

Orange Rili shrimp are a fairly new color morph, and therefore, they are not as common as other colors, such as Red Cherry shrimp, High Grade Sakura shrimp, or Yellow shrimp. The average price for a dozen can be anywhere from $45 to $80, depending on the retailer and the locality.

Orange Rili Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

The Orange Rili Shrimp are an excellent addition to the nano aquarium. They are peaceful, easy to care for, and have an amazing coloration that really makes the aquarium stand out.

The Best Aquarium Size for Orange Rili Shrimps

Orange Rili Shrimp on a substrate in an aquarium

Orange Rili Shrimp are a small species of shrimp. They are only about 1-2 cm in size when fully grown. This means that they do not need a very large aquarium. A 5-gallon aquarium is more than enough for a small group of these shrimp. If you want to keep a larger group of shrimp, you will need a larger aquarium.

Orange Rili Shrimp are a very active species of shrimp. They love to swim around and explore their tank. They are also very good at climbing. This means that they will need an aquarium with a tight-fitting lid. A mesh lid is not good enough, as these shrimp can and will escape through the holes. A glass or plastic lid with no holes is the best option.

Water Parameters

Orange Rili Shrimp are very sensitive to water parameters. They need very specific water parameters in order to stay healthy and thrive. The water temperature should be between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH should be between 7.0 and 7.5. The water hardness should be between 4 and 8 dGH. The best way to maintain these water parameters is to use a good-quality aquarium heater and filter. If you do not have a filter, you will need to do weekly water changes to keep the water clean. Orange Rili Shrimp are also very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites. These levels should be kept at zero at all times. The best way to do this is to use a good-quality aquarium test kit.


Filtration is not really necessary for Orange Rili Shrimp. They are very tolerant of different water conditions. This means that a simple air stone or powerhead is all that is needed to provide them with adequate filtration. If you do want to use a filter, make sure that it is a very gentle filter. A canister filter with a very low flow rate is a good option. Orange Rili Shrimp are very sensitive to chemicals. This means that you will need to use a de-chlorinator to remove any chlorine or chloramine from the water.

Do Orange Rili Shrimp Need an Air Pump?

An air pump is not really necessary for Orange Rili Shrimp. They do not require high levels of oxygen in the water. A simple air stone or powerhead is all that is needed to provide them with adequate oxygenation.

Aquarium Lighting

Orange Rili Shrimp do not require any special lighting. They can live in both low-light and high-light conditions. I would recommend using a low to moderate light level for your shrimp aquarium. If you are using live plants, then you will need to provide them with a little bit more light. Also, if you are keeping shrimp in a very deep aquarium, then you will need to provide them with more light. This is because the light will not penetrate the water as well as it does in a shallow aquarium.

Plants and Decorations

Orange Rili Shrimp next to a rock in the aquarium

Orange Rili Shrimp are not picky when it comes to plants and decorations. They will do fine in an aquarium with live plants or fake plants. Orange Rili Shrimp also do not need any special hiding places or hiding spots. These srimps are not a shy species of shrimp, and they do not mind being out in the open. They are also very good at climbing, so make sure that your aquarium has a tight-fitting lid. A glass or plastic lid with no holes is the best option.

What’s the Best Substrate for Orange Rili Shrimps?

The best substrate for Orange Rili Shrimp is a sandy substrate. This is because shrimp like to sift through the substrate, looking for food. A sandy substrate is also much easier on their delicate bodies than a gravel substrate. If you do not want to use a sandy substrate, then you can use a gravel substrate. Just make sure that the gravel is very smooth and does not have any sharp edges.

Food & Diet

The Orange Rili Shrimp is a peaceful shrimp, however, it is quite fast and has a voracious appetite. It is a very active shrimp and is constantly shifting around. The diet of Orange Rili Shrimp should be varied and rich in nutrients. A good diet will ensure the shrimp are healthy and have a long lifespan.

What Can I Feed Orange Rili Shrimp?

Orange Rili Shrimp in the seaweed in the tank

Orange Rili Shrimp are omnivores and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of algae and detritus. It is a good idea to supplement their diet with some shrimp pellets or flakes. Here is a list of some of the best foods to feed your Orange Rili Shrimp:

  1. Vegetables. Blanched vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, and squash are all excellent choices.
  2. Fruits. Melon, berries, and mango are all good fruit choices.
  3. Protein. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp are all good protein sources.
  4. Algae. Nori sheets, spirulina flakes, and other algae are all good choices.
  5. Supplements. Calcium and vitamin supplements are a good idea to ensure the shrimp are getting all the nutrients they need.

How Often Do Orange Rili Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

Orange Rili Shrimp are constant eaters and should be fed frequently. They will graze on algae and other plant matter, but should also be given a supplemental diet of shrimp pellets or flakes. Feed them 2-3 times per day, only giving them as much food as they can eat in a few minutes. Also, be sure to remove any uneaten food from the aquarium.

How Long Can an Orange Rili Shrimp Go Without Food?

The Orange Rili Shrimp is a very active shrimp and needs to be fed daily. They can live without food for a few days, but their activity levels will decrease, and they may become ill or die. A good guideline is to feed them as much as they can eat in 2-3 minutes. If you are unsure if the shrimp are still hungry, offer them a little more food. It is better to overfeed them a little than to underfeed them.

Behavior & Temperament

If you are a shrimp enthusiast, then the Orange Rili shrimp is a species you may want to keep. This species is known for their striking orange coloration, which is unique among shrimp species. They are a peaceful species that gets along well with other shrimp and fish.

Orange Rili shrimp are not known to be shy and are often out in the open, foraging for food. They are not known to be a finicky eater and will accept most aquarium foods. This species is known to be a good beginner shrimp for those new to the hobby. They are easy to care for and do not require special care.

Good Tank Mates

Orange Rili Shrimp and other shrimp on a rock in the aquarium

Orange Rili shrimp are a peaceful species that gets along well with other shrimp and fish. They are not known to be shy and are often out in the open, foraging for food.

Some good tank mates for Orange Rili shrimp include:

  • Neocaridina shrimp
  • Cherry shrimp
  • Amano shrimp
  • Bamboo shrimp
  • Ghost shrimp
  • Guppies
  • Mollies
  • Platies
  • Swordtails
  • Corydoras catfish
  • Kuhli loaches
  • Plecos

Unsafe Tank Mates

Orange Rili shrimp should not be kept with fish that are known to eat shrimp. This includes most cichlids and some catfish. They should also not be kept with fish that are known to be fin nippers, as this can damage their delicate fins.

Some shrimp species are known to be aggressive towards each other. Orange Rili shrimp are not known to be aggressive, but it is always best to keep shrimp of the same species together. This will help reduce the chance of aggression.

Here are some unsafe or even dangerous tank mates for Orange Rili shrimp:

  • Cichlids (most species)
  • Bettas
  • Gouramis
  • Barbs
  • Catfish (some species)
  • Danios
  • Cichlids
  • Angelfish
  • Pufferfish

Orange Rili Shrimp Breeding

Rili shrimp are easy to breed, and the adults often breed in the aquarium. However, the fry are very small and delicate, so it is best to remove the fry from the aquarium before they are eaten.

The female shrimp carries the eggs for about 2 weeks before they hatch. During this time, she is very vulnerable to predators, so it is important to provide her with plenty of hiding places.

When the fry hatch, they are very small and need to be fed microscopic foods. After a few weeks, they will be large enough to eat small foods. The fry grows quickly and will reach adulthood in about 6 months.

Watch the Following Video on Orange Rili Shrimp Hatching

Here is a youtube video about orange rili shrimp hatching that you can find useful

FAQs on How to Care for Orange Rili Shrimp

Can Orange Rili Shrimp breed with Cherry?

No, they are not the same species. They can, however, live together peacefully in the same aquarium.

How many babies do Orange Rili Shrimp have?

Orange Rili Shrimp have approximately 15–20 babies. They can have up to 30 babies, but this is less common.

Do Orange Rili Shrimp eat algae?

No, Orange Rili Shrimp do not eat algae. They are filter-feeders and primarily eat microscopic plant and animal matter.

Closing Thoughts

Rili shrimp make great pets. They are easy to care for and have a very active lifestyle. They are also very beautiful, with their bright orange coloration. Rili shrimp are a great addition to any aquarium. These shrimp are one of the many dwarf shrimp varieties and, as such, have a number of similarities. Even though they are relatively easy to care for, there are still a few things you should be aware of before you start keeping them.

If you have any questions or comments about Orange Rili shrimp care, or if you have your own experiences with these shrimp, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Good luck!


  • Identification of Functional SSR Markers in Freshwater Ornamental Shrimps Neocaridina denticulata Using Transcriptome Sequencing (by Chang-Wen Huang, Yu-Fang Wu, Pei-Yun Chu, and Wei-Ren Chan)
  • Growth and Survival Rate Red Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina Var Rili) with Different Media Temperature Manipulation (by Iskandar Putra)
  • Neocaridina Family Tree (N. Palmata & N. Davidi)

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