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Red Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. “Rili”) Care Guide: Lifespan, Nutrition and Create Healthy Environment

Red Rili Shrimp are a variety of freshwater shrimp that are known for their striking red coloration. This is a freshwater shrimp native to Guam. It is also known as the “Fire Shrimp”, “Red Cherry …

crystal black bee shrimp

Red Rili Shrimp are a variety of freshwater shrimp that are known for their striking red coloration. This is a freshwater shrimp native to Guam. It is also known as the “Fire Shrimp”, “Red Cherry Shrimp”, “Cardinal Shrimp”, and “Red Bee Shrimp”. It is a popular aquarium shrimp and is easy to care for.

Are Red Rili Shrimp Easy to Take Care of?
These shrimp are relatively easy to care for and make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. Also, these shrimp are very active and make great tank mates for other peaceful fish.

Red Rili Shrimp Key Care Stats

Scientific name:Caridina dennerli
Other name:Cherry shrimp, Rili shrimp, Red Bee shrimp, Taiwan Bee shrimp
Care level:Easy
Size:1–2 inches (3–5 cm)
Life span:2–3 years
Best kept:In groups of 5 or more
Minimum tank size10 gallons (38L)
Tank set-up:freshwater
Water pH: 6.5–7.5
Temperature: 68–78 °F (20–26 °C)
Nitrates:<20 ppm
Recommended diet:Omnivore

Species Summary

These shrimp are also known as the Sakura shrimp, Cherry shrimp, or Cherry Valley shrimp. They are found in Taiwan and China and were first described in the early 2000s. As their name indicates, they have a bright red coloration that can resemble a cherry blossom flower. However, it should be noted that there is a wide range of color variations for this shrimp. These include variations with white, yellow, and red colors.

This shrimp is very easy to care for. They only grow up to about 1.5 inches and do best in groups of 6 or more. They are peaceful creatures and can be kept with other peaceful shrimp and fish. The Red Rili shrimp is a great choice for beginner shrimp keepers. They are very easy to care for and are very peaceful creatures.

Where do They Come From?

Red Rili Shrimp on a substrate in an aquarium

Red Rili shrimp were originally purchased from a German breeder in 2010. They were then distributed to various shrimp breeders and hobbyists around the world. Red Rili shrimp are also known as Fire Red Cherry shrimp, Red Cherry shrimp, or Cherry shrimp.

The Red Rili shrimp are a selectively bred color morph of the Neocaridina denticulata species. These shrimp come in a variety of colors, including dark red, light red, orange, and yellow. Red Rili shrimp are a hardy species that can adapt to a wide range of water parameters.

The Red Rili shrimp are a peaceful species that can be kept with a wide variety of fish and invertebrates. These shrimp are an excellent addition to any freshwater aquarium. They are known for their unique coloration and their ability to reproduce quickly.

How Long do Red Rili Shrimp Live for?

Red Rili Shrimp is one of the newest and most popular shrimp species in the world. They are native to the island of Bali, Indonesia. These shrimp have been captive-bred in Bali for many years and were recently introduced to the aquarium trade. They live in fast-moving waters with lots of vegetation.

Red Rili Shrimp can live for up to 2–3 years in captivity. They are very hardy shrimp and are not susceptible to most diseases. These shrimp are very active and love to graze on algae. They are also great at cleaning up detritus. So if you are looking for a shrimp that is easy to care for and will help keep your aquarium clean, then Red Rili Shrimp is a great choice.

How Big do Red Rili Shrimp Grow?

Red Rili Shrimp grow to about 1.5” (4 cm) and are considered medium-sized shrimp. They are very active shrimp and are constantly moving about their tank. So, you will often see them on their own or in a small group.

Red Rili Shrimp Anatomy, Appearance, & Varieties

Red Rili Shrimp floating in the tank

The Red Rili shrimp is a freshwater shrimp that is native to China. It gets its name from the red stripe that runs down its back. The Red Rili shrimp is also known as the Cherry Shrimp, Fire Shrimp, and China Red Shrimp.

The Red Rili shrimp is a small shrimp that only grows to be about 1–2 cm in length. It has a translucent body with a red stripe running down its back. The Red Rili shrimp is a popular aquarium shrimp because of its bright coloration.

There are two different varieties of Red Rili shrimp: the wild type and the bred type. The wild type is the more common of the two and has a dark red stripe. The bred type has a lighter red stripe and is less common.

The Red Rili shrimp is a peaceful shrimp that does well in a community tank. It is not aggressive and gets along with other shrimp and fish. The Red Rili shrimp is a scavenger and will eat algae, dead plants, and dead animals.

The Red Rili shrimp is easy to care for and is a good beginner shrimp. It is a hardy shrimp that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions. The Red Rili shrimp does best in a well-planted tank with plenty of hiding places.

The Red Rili shrimp is a breeding shrimp and can reproduce in an aquarium. The female shrimp will carry the eggs under her tail until they hatch. The baby shrimp are called fry and are very small.

How Much do Red Rili Shrimp Cost?

Red Rili shrimp are considered premium shrimp, so expect to pay between $5 to $7 per shrimp. The price may vary depending on the size of the shrimp, the time of year, and the supplier.

Red Rili Shrimp Care & Tank Requirements

For successful care of your Red Rili Shrimp, you will need to provide them with a freshwater aquarium that has plenty of hiding places and live plants. A 10-gallon aquarium is a good size for a colony of these shrimp. The tank should have a tight-fitting lid to prevent escape. You should also keep in mind that Red Rili Shrimp are very sensitive to water quality and parameters.

The Best Aquarium Size for Red Rili Shrimps

A 10-gallon aquarium is the minimum size tank that can house red rili shrimp. If you are planning to keep more than a few shrimp, I recommend a 20-gallon aquarium or larger. This will give your shrimp plenty of room to move around and grow.

Red Rili Shrimp on a snag in the aquarium

Water Parameters

Red rili shrimp are very sensitive to water quality and parameters. They require clean, well-aerated water with a pH of 6.5 – 7.5. The water temperature should be kept between 72 – 78 degrees Fahrenheit. I recommend using a reverse osmosis (RO) filter to provide the cleanest water possible for your shrimp.


The Red rili shrimp are very sensitive to water quality and need a well-filtered tank. A canister filter or a hang-on-back filter with activated carbon is recommended. Also, regular water changes of about 10-20% should be carried out every week.

Do Red Rili Shrimp Need Air Pump?

An air pump is not required but can be used to create water movement and oxygenation. This is especially important if the shrimp are kept in a planted tank. Also, an air stone can be used to help circulate the water and provide oxygenation.

Aquarium Lighting

These shrimp are not very demanding when it comes to lighting and can live in both low and high-light conditions. However, they do require some light to grow and breed successfully.

If you are keeping red rili shrimp for their coloration, then it is best to provide them with higher lighting levels. A full-spectrum LED light or a T5 HO light fixture would be a good choice. On the other hand, lower lighting levels will be fine if you are not concerned about their coloration. An ordinary aquarium hood with fluorescent tubes will be sufficient

Plants and Decorations

Red Rili Shrimp on a rock in the aquarium

Red rili shrimp prefer a heavily planted tank with plenty of hiding places. Live plants are best, but you can also use fake plants as long as they are soft and won’t damage the shrimp’s delicate skin. The tank should also have a few pieces of driftwood or other decorations for the shrimp to climb on. This will help them shed their exoskeletons properly.

What’s the Best Substrate for Red Rili Shrimps?

For the substrate, it is best to use something that will not affect the water quality, such as aquarium-safe gravel or sand. The substrate should also be deep enough for the shrimp to bury themselves in. The depth of the substrate should be at least 2-3 inches (5-8 cm).

Food & Diet

Red Rili Shrimp are a peaceful and easy-to-care-for species of shrimp that are best kept with other peaceful shrimp. They are easy to feed and will accept most foods offered to them. For the best health and coloration, they should be fed a varied diet of high-quality foods.

A good diet for them can include things like shrimp pellets, algae wafers, blanched vegetables, and frozen foods. Also, don’t forget to supplement their diet with calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals. For this, we recommend using good quality liquid shrimp food.

What Can I Feed Red Rili Shrimp?

Red Rili shrimp are omnivorous, meaning they’ll eat both plants and meat. These little shrimp are known for being easy to care for and for being very adaptable to different diets. The vast majority of their diet should be plant-based. They’re especially fond of algae and other soft greens. As for meaty foods, they’ll happily scavenge for things like bloodworms and brine shrimp. They’ll also eat most pellet foods that you give them.

One important thing to keep in mind is that Red Rili shrimp are very fragile. This means that they need to be given small, soft food that they can eat easily. If you give them anything too large or hard, they could choke on it and die. As a general rule of thumb, if you can’t break it with your fingers, it’s too big for them to eat.

How Often Do Red Rili Shrimp Need to Be Fed?

Red Rili shrimp do not need to be fed more than once every other day. Feed them only as much as they can eat in a minute or two. Also, make sure you remove any uneaten food from the tank, so it does not decay and pollute the water.

How Long Can a Red Rili Shrimp Go Without Food?

Your red rili shrimp can go for a few days without food, but not for a week. Keep in mind that these little critters are opportunistic feeders and will eat any algae and detritus they come across.

Watch the Following Video on Red Rili Shrimp

You may find the following video helpful. It covers everything from acclimation to breeding:

Behavior & Temperament

Red Rili Shrimp are peaceful creatures that do well in a community aquarium with other peaceful fish and invertebrates. They are not aggressive and will not bother other tank mates. However, they are very sensitive to changes in water quality and parameters and will not do well in an aquarium with fish that are known to be fin nippers or aggressive.

Good Tank Mates

tank mates for red rili shrimp

There are not many things you can do to keep your shrimp from being eaten by other fish. The main thing you can do is choose tank mates that are unlikely to eat shrimp. Some examples of good tank mates for Red Rili shrimp are:

  • Corydoras catfish
  • Guppies
  • Mollies
  • Platies
  • Swordtails

Also, make sure that your shrimp have plenty of places to hide. Live plants are a great way to provide hiding places for your shrimp.

Unsafe Tank Mates

There are a few tank mates that can pose a danger to your Rili shrimp. These include snails, crabs, and fish. While Rili shrimp are peaceful by nature, they are not afraid to defend themselves.

  • Snails. While Rili shrimp are peaceful by nature, they are not afraid to defend themselves. If a snail is big enough, it could potentially eat your shrimp.
  • Crabs. Crabs are known to be aggressive and can easily kill and eat your shrimp.
  • Fish. Some fish, such as bettas, are known to be aggressive and may eat your shrimp.

Also, avoid any fish that are known to be fin nippers as they can damage the delicate fins of your shrimp.

Red Rili Shrimp Breeding

Red Rili Shrimp are a very good beginner species for shrimp breeding. They have a very low mortality rate and produce large numbers of offspring. They are also very easy to care for and do not require special tanks or equipment.

The best way to breed Red Rili Shrimp is to set up a breeding tank. This can be done by using a standard 10-gallon aquarium with a sponge filter and a piece of driftwood or live plants. The breeding tank should have a slightly acidic pH and a temperature between 68 – 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

The shrimp will need to be conditioned for breeding by being fed a high-quality diet and given frequent water changes. After a few weeks, the shrimp should be ready to breed. To initiate breeding, the male and female shrimp should be placed in the breeding tank. The male shrimp will then start to court the female. If the female is receptive she will allow the male to mount her.

The male red rili shrimp will then release its sperm into the female’s reproductive tract. The female shrimp will then carry the eggs for about 2 – 3 weeks before they hatch. After the eggs hatch the baby shrimp will be free swimming and will need to be fed a diet of microscopic food such as baby brine shrimp or algae. The baby shrimp will grow quickly and will be ready to breed in 4 – 6 months.

FAQs on How to Care for Red Rili Shrimp

Can Red Rili Shrimp breed with Cherry?

No, the two species are not able to breed with one another. They will be fine living together peacefully, however. The main difference between the two species is that Red Rili Shrimp are more tolerant of saltier water conditions than Cherry Shrimp,

How many babies do Red Rili Shrimp have?

Red Rili Shrimp can have up to 30 babies at a time. They are very small when they are born and grow very quickly.

Do Red Rili Shrimp eat algae?

Yes, Red Rili Shrimp are known to be excellent algae eaters. They will help to keep your aquarium clean and free of algae.

Closing Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this Red Rili Shrimp care guide. Shrimp keeping is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can do. When you start to see your baby shrimp growing and multiplying, it will be a memory you will never forget.

If you have any questions about Red Rili Shrimp or shrimp keeping in general, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment below.
Happy shrimp keeping!


  • Cherry Shrimp Neocaridina davidi (Bouvier 1904. Crustacea: Decopoda: Atyidae) by Carrie Suen and Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman
  • Nutritional Vulnerability in Early Stages of the Freshwater Ornamental “Red Cherry Shrimp” Neocaridina Davidi (Bouvier, 1904. Caridea: Atyidae) by João Alberto Farinelli Pantaleão, Samara de P. Barros-Alves, Carolina Tropea, Douglas F. R. Alves, Maria Lucia Negreiros-Fransozo, Laura S. López-Greco
  • Growth and Survival Rate Red Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina Var Rili) with Different Media Temperature Manipulation (by Iskandar Putra)

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